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melv16 | 10:05 Sat 20th Jul 2024 | Twitching & Birdwatching
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Thank you melv. 

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F ont front perch. Chicks seem lively. 

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According to the blog they're 3 chicks...I can't see the third.

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Feeding time. 

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Grub's up.

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Feeding time. 

I said I wouldn't look after what happened last time but I couldn't resist.  Lovely.


Sounds very windy there.

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The chicks are looking well fed. 

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Chicks singing to the adult. 

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Looks like a chick is missing, probably fell off the platform 😢


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According to the blog the fallen chick was rescued...yayyy👍😁

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The chick's been put back in the box 👍😁

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After the information, our senior colleague of the Wire Inspection went to the scene himself, successfully saving the chick, who fell more than 25 meters into the cornfield, and not onto the concrete base of the pole. Our colleague arrived in time, so the foxes had not yet managed to hunt down the cub, who at first sight survived the fall without any injuries.


Our falcon expert colleague took the chick to the zoo's bird hospital, where it was thoroughly examined. The staff of the bird hospital also confirmed that the chick is fine, but it will spend the weekend under observation at the bird hospital, where it will be professionally cared for.


At the beginning of the week, MAVIR specialists are expected to be able to take the dropped chick up to its mates, as it needs at least another week to develop before it can fly out in a reassuring way. In such cases, the parents will not treat the returned chick as a stranger.


We would like to thank everyone who reported that the chick had fallen, so thanks to this we were able to save it quickly and effectively.

Translated from the blog.



13.34 That's good to know - thanks.  Just noticed there is a link to get close up of the platform!

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All the other peregrine nests I watch are usually a right mess. The Hungarian falcons must be house proud 😁

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3 chicks having a preen. It'll soon be fledging time!

They are thinking about it, looking out ...........

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