Quizzes & Puzzles18 mins ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
I know loadsa people have said it, but well done to all the Techies at AB!!! New look is great! Just thought you would like some positive feedback for once!
More feedback: neither browser offers me any options to view threads in My Profile at the moment.
I find the white background a bit 'glaring'. Any chance of a different background colour such as pale blue or pale yellow?
Hi, are you aware that the links people post up have an added </P> to them when you click?
with there being so many questions, I can't obviously do them all at once, bu twhen i come back to the site i am taken back to question 1 and I have to spend 20 minutes pressing the 'next 20 ' button...
Would it be possible to be notified when someone had added a reply to a question that you yourself did not ask but you have placed a previous reply to? Sometimes people answer other peoples answers...
I think some catagories should be separated like 'people and places' - they are two completely different subjects!
which pedal is pressed to stop car
Is the AB specifically built with any particular internet browsing software in mind? Obviously IE is the most prevalent explorer, but are there issues with other browsers such as Firefox?
Ed, ED!!!! WAKE UP Ed, my woosher is back. When it works, instead of getting a "thanks for reporting the question" I get a blank page with the "page you requested is unavailable pls click here to...
why is the black box in an areoplane orange?
<P align=justify>Can you breed a pit bull mix with a bull terrier?
I accidentally unsubscribed to a thread (clicked in the wrong place). Now, even if I go to Parenting, and click on that question, it is no longer coming up. Is there a link with my...
How about a color differnce On the my questions folder in my details, wouldn't it be nice if you saw if you had looked on the newset answer, like 7 answers red, already looked and one blue haven't...
I don't know if this is possible, but I was thinking: there could be a map of the UK showing the total no. of AB users, and the distribution per area (plus if appropriate, details of overseas users...
I would like to see other peoples details, their questions and answers, anybody else. Cuz you often see the samne people all the time as given answers
Banned questions? How does it work can I ban any question I like cuz I got some real strange bans about dogs and stuff nothing provocative or foulmouthed
How about a live chat room oh great AB editor for chatty people?
try this, fakeplastic
how to have sex with my sister