Quizzes & Puzzles14 mins ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
can i add a photo to my Q? If so how??
I found out through a family friend my Mom passed away 9 months ago. Every site iI go to wants to charge me to search. I there a site that will give u this information free?
What about a plugin that uses the Twitter API so that when I post a question on AB it gets posted in my Twitter stream so all my friends can answer it...ie. have a link back to AB? It's just when I do...
can we have one please Ed?
I have suggested that he gets his act together and starts using his flirting skills to persuade some of the more weak willed females on AB to try to re-discover the good natured non-bitchy side that...
I appear to have been banned for some reason. Nobody has told me why or how long it is effective for. Anybody got any ideas please?
It would be nice if, when Big Brother is on next year, AB could have a section specifically for BB fans to discuss whatever on. Not all of us are interested.
Instead of managing to write a Blog after a 6 week gap telling us the obvious .... ?you may have noticed ....? winding back to the 27th May Ed Blog .... ?There have been various slow-downs recently...
I have an answer to a question posted in 2002. How can I submit it ,so that the people who replied to the question will get MY answer as well as the the person who sent in the question originally?
OK - seems to be working now - perhaps it was just being very slow to react! I'm new here, so still learning how everything works.
Sorry, don't know what has happened, but I can't get into My Profile. Is there a problem?
How about the option to be able to choose to view the entries in a thread in newest-to-oldest order instead of the current oldest-to-newest ? Would be even more useful when the replies spread over...
What on earth is happening this morning. I post a question in Q&P - one minute it is there and then suddenly it has gone. I answered one in AB suggestions and it shows up in Q&P and it again takes...
What on earth is happening this morning. I post a question in Q&P - one minute it is there and then suddenly it has gone. I answered one in AB suggestions and it shows up in Q&P and it again takes...
I demand an explanation as to why my recent innocent post has been excluded, Prudentia .
can we have a simeler site.
Can someone tell me why when I try to answer a question it only shows up in my profile and not in the particular post I have answered.
Having trouble answering and posting questions. They are showing on my profile but noy on the main answerbank - can you help?
As I understand matters; any registered member of AnswerBank is ony a 'mouse click' away from being able to report to the Editor instances of offensive questions being raised. However, a similar...
Dear Ed - Why are all my recent questions and answers posted in my profile and not on any of the subjects ?