Film, Media & TV0 min ago
Site Suggestions
Welcome To The AnswerBank Suggestions. If you have a suggestion for a site improvement, please post it here. We're all ears when it comes to site improvements so make sure you offer ideas how your idea would work, and why it would make the site better.Contact The Editorial Team Here
News, for example, is so slow I have to log out and go elsewhere. Who are your techies? Would you buy a washing machine off these people and seetle for a slow spin? Would you buy a car from them that...
why am i not recieving my emails
I notice you litter most sections with 'AB asks' questions. These are usually the same as questions that have been asked a few posts earlier by someone else. Why not give AB Asks a section of its own?...
I've been unable to sign in today until I tried going via beta. Anyone else having trouble, it may work for you to:
How about having the ability to change the color of certain aspects of the site (apply a skin). Maybe with all the recent problems with beta this might not be a good idea but it was just another mad...
Could someone tell me how you know if you've been banned?. My posts don't seem to be getting through for the past couple of days, but I haven't been contacted. The strange thing is that the answers I...
you can make it better by accepting my postings for a start
I can get the opening page of Incredimail. The page tells me to log in. Where do I log in. I have had Incredimail for almost 2 years and this is the first time they want me log in.
does anyone know when the weekly payment of tax credit will be paid if it falls on boxing day
Dear Ed, I know you and the techies are working hard and doing everything to get Beta AB up and running as it should. Is it possible or can you give us a time line when BetaAB will be completed and...
most of my questions and answers are getting lost in the AB !!!! answers ive given dont show in the listing, but are in my profile !!! my removed questions and answers have rocketed in the last 3...
Just tried umpteen times to post answers (both old & beta), but nothing comes up. Have I been banned??
Any chance of having a 'check all' button on the PM facility to make deleting messages quicker?
AB Techs, why does the recent posts list on the beta version say I have answered when I have only poked my nose into a thread to have a read? Oh yeah....and pleeeeaaaaase would you sort out the...
After all this time, in Sports ab, 'my messages' inbox finally appeared, I think I answered everyone, but its gone again, (hair pulling time), so I apologise if some of you haven't yet got an answer,...
If not, I suggest I am reinstated along with anyone else who is suffering here in the dungeon.
Thank you.
Did we ever see the results of the fundraising event? I got the newlsetter telling me the web designer kept her hair but as I recall there was a lot of people on there who appeared to be close to...
Why do my replies not appear on beta but show up on the old version. Also on the beta, why do some threads show, for example, 1-20 of 18 answers.
my dearest most understandig Ed in the world wouldn't you think that chatterbank might run more smoothly if it was rolling? it works well on other sites thanks for reading and applying my thoughts lol