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Naming & Shaming

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whiskeryron | 14:59 Tue 19th Apr 2011 | Site Suggestions
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Hi Ed
I have tried twice to submit an answer to the post 'Naming & Shaming' & both times I have clicked Submit without a result, the following is my answer to the post:-
Would it be possible for a crime folder to be opened in the list of Topics whereby anyone committing a breach of the A/B rules would have their name & their misdemeanor published for a predetimined time to show to us all who these people are, their details could remain on view for perhaps 1 month. Ron.


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er Mick..............she is.
where is Ron mentioning homophobic opinions?
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ummmm /// If I could I would put Ron on the wall of shame for his homophobic opinions...///
Why? because someones opinion differs from yours therefore they are obviously wrong. Ron.
yes , da do ron ron da do ron ron.
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Mickey baby you'll have your little legs slapped.
you missed out a ......ron
It's's legal and above board now Ron...

My point was more to make...we each find different things offensive. We all should probably be on 'the wall of shame' according to different people...
i stand corrected , crafty, but hey was 50 years before my time.
I can't follow what's going on, is it all in code? no one had any opinion about homosexuality as far as i could tell
yeah right mick...............bugger I'm on the floor again. was a thread in news...
I'm getting confused. Is it me that is deemed to be homophobic or the guy with the beard. Perhaps, the reference is to both of us.:-)

I'm newish on here, so forgive my ignorance, but what purpose would it serve? Can you give an example of when a 'crime folder' might be of use to AB users?
Rubbish idea, WR.........

The 'Thread Closed' would certainly be a better idea.
A non starter in my opinion, the idea I mean.
The other Ron, Ron..! :-)
Oh, I've not looked in news today, has it been zapped or is it still there?
dotty - It's his default setting on the subject. Take your pick from any thread with a 'gay' theme...
Dotty...the latest was titled '2 blokes snogging'

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