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Has ABE gone AWOL?

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THECORBYLOON | 20:09 Tue 31st May 2005 | Site Suggestions
13 Answers
Has embdy heard fae ABE recently? I've not had stuff banned for days now and it's starting to worry me.


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And the regulars have all gone missing! is there a secret entrance to the new chatty topic section and they are in there having a party?

I don't know but I am having a major job posting as my posts never appear and in some threade my post has gone into ever repeat mode. All very frustrating!

If there is In4themoney they haven�t told TCL!!

Well, it has been a bank holiday weekend. The Ed's probably been on holiday, and is taking a day or two to recover.
The ED has been very busy he has installed a report button id identifier.
hi corb! how are you?

Dear All,

Thank you for all the concerns as to my whereabouts. And to think no one nominated ME as being the most popular personality on The AnswerBank! If you all must know, I was taking a long stroll off a short pier into the cyber abyss, where dead URLs and removed postings swirl around and round for all eternity. Mainly, I've been hiding from you lot. Wink wink.



Ed I think I love you
actually, Artful did nominate AB Ed as her favourite user... and her reward? A weekend in solitary. No chocolate cake or anything. And she's lost a prime minister. Gratitude, eh?
lol. Ed, we all love you.
Question Author
Y'aright ALLO? It's been a wee bit quiet on here hasn't it? You asked who is Brenda The Elephant, she is an elephant called Brenda I found walking the streets of Corby a few year ago. The thing is but she's shown no gratitude, she KNOWS I like to sleep on the top bunk but does she let me? NO but what can I do about eh?

Thanks jno for not forgtting me - I've only just seen the recent posts and I am VERY disappointed ABEd hadn't seen my vote! My w/end was n't totally in solitude as I did bump into you from time to time

Bises xxx

i'm just fine. changed my name. i haven't been on here cause i hurt my back. i think i'll ask for advice on b&s!

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