Wednesday. Yesterday I got SIL and niece to the Churchill in plenty of time. Had to be there by 0900, I got them there at 0815. Niece went through all the pre med rigmarole, She should be on the operating table now. SIL will phone me as soon as she knows anything. I got home about 1700, (I think) Had a beer then got cracking on catching up with prep for today's dinner for two of my dearest friends. Back on schedule now. I've got to collect WWT when I'm out this morning. They love her to bits, just as I do. Went to bed at 2015, went out like a light!
Morning lina xxx Thank you. I hope so too. She hasn't had much of a life.
G'day sport. I'll let you know how I am when I wake up...sometime next week! :o} Apart from tired, not too bad ta. Looking forward to my guests arriving, they are two of the loveliest people it's my pleasure to know.