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Jordyboy9 | 12:57 Mon 03rd Jun 2019 | ChatterBank
41 Answers
Does anyone else think that the bickering,and animosity on answerbank is getting worse?never a post without someone taking exception to somebody’s point of view, I remember that it was bad on SAB but there was a lull in the infighting sometime.


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I think with the development of social media, people are far more practiced in communicating with strangers, which may not actually be a good thing. The anonymity of social media, and the absence of any likley comeback can mean that people are somewhat freer with their observations than they would be in a face-to-face situation, but that is the two-edged...
13:24 Mon 03rd Jun 2019
I think many people read comments with a prejudiced vibe instead of taking them for what they are. This can cause hostility, easily. Communication is hard via text on a screen, yet people are always so certain on what others mean and how they're saying it. Maybe if people had some consideration for the context of the answerers position, there would be less hostility.
Hey, here's a random idea why don't you draw up a naughty list?
Don't forget to check it twice
I recently put on a post because I was peed off and wanted advise and I had to defend myself on I really personal matter! All I wanted was reassurance which i never got, I think I prob worded it wrong. I will not be posting anything else like that again. I would love to know how I can delete too.
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You would be near the top Zacs not for nasty but fascesious comments,and you also spath for your choice of women.
LOL, that's fine by me ;) At least you can see i'm not malicious
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No you are not spath not malicious,maybe a bit deluded in your choice of women you fancy
Lizruns, if you want your thread deleted, bring it up and request that you wish to delete it.
How do I do that *Ha Ha*
'Does anyone else think that the bickering,and animosity on answerbank is getting worse'

'You would be near the top Zacs not for nasty but fascesious comments'

Some people just don't get irony, do they?
//maybe a bit deluded in your choice of women you fancy//
Some are very deluded that women will find themself fanciful eh Geoff? :-)
Can you not retrieve the relevant thread?
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I don’t do irony Zacs
Liz, is it the one referring to your daughter in year 6?
Ah jordy that's more than understandable. Better the devil you know, is all i will say ;) If that could apply?
Don't Matter I reported and did it that way.
No I don't think it's getting worse but it's more obvious because let's be honest, it's about the same 20 or 30 users on here everyday when it used to be loads more people so greatly diluted. SAB when I used to read it though was absolutely regularly vicious which we've never had on here.
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Yes spath,Devil being the operative word
I think with the development of social media, people are far more practiced in communicating with strangers, which may not actually be a good thing.

The anonymity of social media, and the absence of any likley comeback can mean that people are somewhat freer with their observations than they would be in a face-to-face situation, but that is the two-edged sword that social media offers.

As someone with a different perspective borne of a life lived before the internet, I still express my opinions here in the form and language I would use to the individual if we were face to face - not a filter system used by others on here.

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