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Mystery Man

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Dalmonty | 21:14 Wed 30th Nov 2005 | Adverts
8 Answers
There must be someone out there who knows the identity of the gentleman in the Marks& Spencer advert"there's no business like show business", the man who comes on at the end to say "let the show begin"- I think it is Sean Connery but there is an argument about it! Please someone, solve this mystery! Dalmonty


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I dont know his name but i can assure you - without a shadow of a doubt- it is not Sean Connery.
Absolutely 100% not Sean Connery, sorry but know what you mean, he is familiar from somewhere.
Marks & Spencer has employed a troupe of showgirls in its bid to win over shoppers this Christmas, it revealed today.

In a break with tradition, the retailer�s festive advertising campaign has abandoned its usual celebrity line-up to feature a cast of dancing girls, men and children.

The advert, set in a theatre, will show the cast dressing up backstage and practising dance moves ahead of a performance.

M&S has typically relied on a series of well-known faces for its Christmas campaign, with previous years� adverts featuring stars such as footballer David Beckham, actress Helen Mirren and singer Will Young.

Still doesn't say who he is though, but no mention of Sean !
Sean Connery wouldn't lower himself to play a bit part in a UK advert.

Although not averse to advertising Japanese Whisky in Asia if he were in the M&S ad. he would be centre stage with a tagline saying "Sean Connery, Superstar, endorses this retailer, whoever they may be".
Sean Connery wouldn't lower himself to play a bit part in a UK advert.

And yet, he turned up in the big screen version of The Avengers....(can you get much lower than that?). Definitely not him in the M&S ad though.
maybe he is just a random actor
Ya know who he reminds me of? the guy who used to be in the old Strepsils Ad...where a strepsil used to change into a little 1st aid box when held it between his thumb and fore finger.

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