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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hi Dakota. It'll have to be Robinia's decision, but I do know it's not age that determines membership but a certain attitude of mind!! We are all eccentric and totally mad but we are all very loyal to each other and we never, ever fall out. Our aim in life is to have a good time and make each other happy.

Robinia is very fair, but she might make you do loo cleaning duty for a few weeks before you get full membership.

And sssshhhhhh.......... don't tell anybody else how you got here!

I await her response, I don't hold much hope though, I don't think she's participated much in my threads!
Hello hello !! Iv'e been flat out behind the bran tub for days now.Didn't any one notice my wrinkly stockinged leg sticking out. I have been a bit unwell....(too many toddies!!). I hope Vinny is behaving and keeping the lavs clean.Is it true they are closing CB?

Um..?whats that...Haaaa...somebodys dug a bliming tunnel..!.drags himself out of the hole...must be some moles about...!ears..prick up..did somebody mention somebody doing toilet thats a nice looking rug..are stick it in me toilet...ideal..( :)

Hi Shaney, Sorry you have been unwell. I must admit I feel grotty today. Spent the day in Norwich yesterday and it was all too much for my aching joints. Only went for a nightie for my Mum and couldn't even get anything suitable. I ended up feeling cross, tired and full of aches and pains and being a real grumpy old biddy - so decided to come home early - baa humbug.

Yes, it looks as if there is a temporary closure of CB about to happen, so we need to put up fortifications around the Biddybank!!!

Must now do some work! See you later as I intend to come to BiddyGrotto for a night cap!! When do you leave for Germany?

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Hi gessoo - all this undercover stuff is playing havoc with me nerves...I'll probably start acting shifty in the CoOp & get frisked by security again. Oh quel dommage.

Dakota we are a band of equals so that decision will have to go before the BiddyBoard I'm afraid. In the meantime please ponder over a small section of the BiddyBehavior code of Conduct.....

Slippers must be worn in the grotto

Perfumes kept to a minimum - sets off our migraine. (Mothballs & TCP acceptable)

Conversation must be slow, consist of at least four incomprehensible sentences & NO swearing - we leave that to the leccy man on the roof - it's a long story.

There will be an examination - get down Vinny I mean written not physical! - on subjects including 1950's Laundry practices, recipes for dried egg and Snook, and best ways to jump the Post Office queue.

We'll get back to you - please leave through gessoo's tunnel & if you tell anyone you've been here we'll have to shut you in the coal hole.

gessoo and Robinia what's the matter with you both?? I just walked through the door undetected - no one saw me - certainly am not grovelling through tunnels at my age unless carpet is laid.
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Hi shaneystar - I wondered where you were. Hope you're feeling better soon. We're all feeling a bit below par I think - I overdid it earlier this week too so it's back to the slow lane for me. They'll all be tutting as I amble round the shops holding the 'speed walkers' up. I like to wander from one side of the pavement to the other - that's always good for a laugh!

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Vinny you're on Guard duty today - put this colander on your head & look menacing. And NO accepting bribes - I know you'll do anything for a Becks & bag of humbugs. Oh put the draught sausage accross the bottom of the door please - the wind's howlin' under there today.

Yep..ive got me guard dog...anybody breaks in...he's gonna Zap um....(:)


Can just imagine Vinny marching up and down with a colander on his head and then, when confronted shouting out 'Don't panic, don't panic' and hiding behind Robina and Netti!!!

Is that wind howling under the door coming from the portaloo direction, Robinia, because Vinny might just have had one too many Becks?!! He he

Just love the guard dog Vinny :o)


slippers are not an issue, these days I'm happy to slip into my comfies and slippers rather than get barged about in pubs and clubs.

hmmm, I *do* like my perfume, but I will stick to a nice refreshing fragrance soudl I be accepted to frequent this thread.

I can do slow conversation and if you've ever read any of my threads in CB, yuou'll know I'm not a natural swearer :)

The 1950's laundry practices might be an issue for me but I *adore* cooking and frequent the Food and Drink topic regularly so tips ahoy from me :) As for the PO bit, I will get back to you on Monday after having got my road tax :)

Off to my office crimbo party, I wait with baited breath as to the BiddyBank decision :)


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ha ha IAP - yes that our Vinny. Can someone please look in the bran tub for a pair of specs and a set of teeth as I've lost mine and need 'em for lunch (eating with).
I can vouch for Dakota, a thoughtful, courteous and friendly contributor who should definitely be an honorary biddie. Of course if nobody vouches for me, then my affidavit doesn't count for much, but let's just say I'm old enough to remember Before TV.
Right Robinia - what are we doing about heating in the grotto?? I've an old paraffin heater, it stinks and makes lovely curly blue fumes - shall I bring it in.

Cor blimey...I said ..we dont want the likes of you in i prodded her with me,,minute.


anyone got a towel..( :)

Bit of over-prod there I think
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Mmm glad to see you're taking this post more seriously than you did Lav cleaning Vinny. Obviously found your niche. I'd ditch the spivvy reindeer tho' (thanks for the pic IAP!!).

So what do we do about outsiders then? Might be handy to have one or two young 'uns around to fetch the pensions, wash the pots and reset the mouse traps ...... Have I put anybody off?

I think we need some cling film on the window it's bloomin' cold in that scullery - who needs ventilation?
And bring that heater in neti - the fumes can't be worse than that pipe Vinny's smokin'. Think it's full of cork chippings.

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