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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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And so the story the deep depths of Answerbank..known as middle earth...lies a biddy castle..hidden deep in the biddy forest...wherein lies the biddy..grotto....!

i think we have found it young one..look yonder...we have heard rumours in the topics that it existed....its been many a day and night....!but at last...


Morning Smudge..."old bats in red hats"I love it..( :)
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Mornin' all - and right cheeky lot you are becoming!! Old bat with red hat and red nose today smudge - it's even colder!
Bit chilly in the LadsLav is it Vinny & IAP? - oh what a shame....ours is lovely thanks for asking.

I've not had a look round yet today - how are the lost & confused cbers doing? I hope you're geared up for duty IAP - we seem to be surviving very well up to now so don't let us down.

What day's the Grotto xmas lunch & who's doing the cooking btw? No nuts in the sprouts for me thanks - teeth a problem don't forget. Actually the sprouts need to go on a low light tonight. Leave the trifle to me, I think there's a tin of mandarin oranges in the tub.
Vinny are you marinading the bird from the inside ??


Have a good time, could you pop a few goodies in this doggy bag please? Save me going out.

These pics are hilarious.I don't know where you find them all !
We may need IAP's bouncer on the door tonight if my nephew gets drunk and starts being argumentative !! I shall jump on if he does because I don't want their day spoilt.
I shall see if I can salvage you a few scraps robinia to boil up for a tasty soup! Which you may very well need today as it is freezing here and we have snow ! Not a lot and the sun is out so I hope it has melted away by tonight or I shall look a fright if I have to wear that wretched liberty bodice.
I said to my brother yesterday that fifty years ago I was a bridesmaid with my two top teeth missing and fifty years later things haven't changed !!
Have a nice Sunday Biddys,and the Biddymen of course.!

Now, now Boys!


This is a photo of NOT_FIX_CARS-thumb.jpg me taken at work yesterday : Ha ha
I had to go all the way back for months to find smudge's instructions on how to download a pic. You are all such cleverclogs.But I keep trottong behind you all and eventually I'll be as clever as you lot!!!

Robinia, smudge and shaneystar stirring the Christmas pudding (I don't do cooking)

cooking in biddygrotto


Ooops sorry!!!! goes back under the tartan blanket.

morning all, aup late today, glad to see the party's still going.. IAP, do you do anything else other than search for images to entetain us??? (not that you need to!)

Its bitter here today, hope that nooloo is heated...anybody broken the ice on the ladslav yet?

You're doing really well Neti - but I can't open the cook pic!

Me cooking - Mr Smudge is just preparing the Sunday roast!!

Well hello again everyone. I haven't been here since Friday because my son came to stay and as he lives miles away had to spend time with him and it's taken me an hour to read all you posts. What a laugh and I am really happy that Ed has agreed we can all stay. Pleased you're making good use of the NooLoo. Anything else you need let me know!!!

I know I don't contribute many posts but just wanted you all to know I'm enjoying myself here. Even the Sunday papers got left while I caught up with you!! :o)

We want a new ladsloo..please...( :)

Hey, Jude, don't make it bad
Take a lads loo, and make it better
Remember the piles are getting hard
please can you give us a new loo,an start to make them better

Hey, Jude, don't be afraid
we wont tell the biddies.about are new loo.
The minute you let them piles under your skin
Then you begin to apply the Hemroid cream, to make them better..

And any time we feel the pain, hey, Jude, refrain
Don't carry the new loo upon your shoulders
Well don't you know that its a fool who sits out in a damp loo.
By making his world a little colder ...( :)

Shurrup Vinny it carol time!!! smudge I loved the ladslav pic it was so funny. Have been out for lunch and wine - luverly- by but its cold 'ere.
Cold there netti..!you wanna try sitting on our loo...Braaa!can i have your tartan blanket to line the loo.....dont think you need it after all them sangrias...( :)Hic..!
Vinny this tartan blanket is my comfort blanket and NEVER will I let it out of my sight. You can replace me with a blunderwoman, but me and my blanket did our best to keep the marauding hoards at bay. hic oh wasn't sangria twas Pescador wine.

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