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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Right Robinia here's some baubles for ya


no one knows what tiger balm smells like, the minute you open the jar your nose goes numb....btw, sorted these out for you (hands over several miles of paperchain and one of those garlands made up like a concertina, heavily mended with sticky brown paper)
Got some Wintergreen Shaney if that's any good. Find it's works a bit better than Algipan. Ye Olde Tried and Tested Remedy! :o)
Hi again everybody. Just popped in for a little while. Off out to a Christmas Quiz at the Local pub tonight. Got me Tinsel and Mince pies at the ready. :o)
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Aahh IAP Cute!!
Haven't got any paper chains but have brought in some coloured loo rolls, white, green and orange, so I'll get started on them shall I. I'll also make some pom-poms as cannot get hold of any baubles (despite my last posting). My tinsel is very old, discoloured and threadbare but it's my offering.

Not sure if this is a christmas tree or Tsar's crown but we'll put it in the corner. Sorry but I love posting piccy's now.


Keep posting piccys neti They're good. I wish I could do it.
Jude - smudge'll tell you how. I've keep learning and then I forget. By next week I won't remember how to!!!! Way back in July or whenever we all were learning on AB and even the Ed said to keep trying!!
Neti I'll have to have a go when I've got more time. Got to go now to get ready to go to Quiz. See you later. I think this is a great thread!! :o)

We luv ya too - group hug


Loved that picture of me Neti !! That was just how I felt!
Feel better now that I have had my evening meal.
I wish I could do that over writing and all these fancy fonts and colours but we run Mozilla Fiiefox and they don't have the tools .I could do it in Internet explorer but I had would have to register again with AB. It 's all too complicated for an old Biddy like me.
I can do it now, but for sure I'll forget how to next week. Glad you are feeling better. It's your own fault - sounds like my mum

Been out all day, so just popped in to say hello & goodnight all. Sleep well all. -x-

P.S. Loved the mice pic IAP - our daughter makes & collects mice ornaments, etc., so have forwarded it onto her.

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Oh well done everyone, it's looking reet grand in here now.......with the frosted cobwebs & the snow on the window ledges........pardon?'s not snow? It's ash!!!!!!!!!!! Who's been smoking? Better not have been that whacko bacco or whatever they call it. Honestly I can't go out for five minutes.

Hi Jude - Christmas quiz in this area?? mmm you mean questions like .....
So where will you expect to find a loaf of bread around here after 7.30am on Christmas Eve and which side of the road is most likely to have a burst water main, traffic lights not working and a drunk who's dropped all his nuts & mandarins? Great living here eh?

There you are, just for you, your name in coloured lights!! It's ok, I've plugged them into the old cb category's electricity.

Oh thank you Robinia ..that has cheered me up no end !!
I knew I would see my name in lights one day !

just pooped in to say Hi and take a breather, got a funny smell in my fridge...AB q's have diagnosed it as a whiffey condenser tray (no i didn't know either) so i've got the back off and am spraying the milton around.....hope its not something dead in there!!

say what yoy like about larders and cold slabs, at least they don't suddenly start whiffing unless someones forgot to empty the traps!!

Hilarious pic's IAP - gawd help us when we look like that!

Off out the door again now - see ya later pepes!

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