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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Hi Ed, we still have that annoying problem where it is impossible to get out of 'My Profile' and 'Questions I'm Involved in' to go to another category. You have to click on a random category before you can do this. Difficult to explain but it has been happening for months and months and the technies haven't mended it yet. I think you should make them work all over Christmas to put it right.

Also the black print on white is very hard on the eyes (especially for us poor old-timers) and some people have tremendous difficulty in reading black on stark white.

Other than that I find the site very easy to use now.

Personally, I think 'Chatterbank' should now be abadoned from this site and perhaps a whole new site opened up by Crystal Guides as a proper Chat Site.

Come to think of it, I preferred the more heavy handed editing with a little leaway given at the Editor's discretion. More in keeping with the whole site ethos. And as for Biddybank, I think a section entitled 'Do You Remember' or something similar would be good for us. Biddybank is a great name but not very encouraging for other older people who don't know the reasoning behind it. There are a whole lot of silver surfers out there who would probably love to chat about the things we do (when we are sober). To us Biddies and Old Farts, however, it will always be Biddybank.

Well, you did ask for suggestions!!!!

Still not done any ironing or housework!!!!

i'll see what I can do about the curtains, perhaps we can negotiate for some doilies - although Vinny may start wearing them on his head ;)


And could we have a little message that pops up every hour saying 'Get on With Your Work - Now' and makes us feel guilty about staying on this lovely site for too long.
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suggestions for AB improvements

Designer make over for BiddyBank - non of your Lolly Lewy Bowen either.
Plenty of those Layzee boy chairs with built in commodes
Bar installed in BB & stocked with wincarnis
Mild electric shocks to BB to get our brains back in gear & send us off out to do something in the world.

Is this a little one sided? Oh dear, sorry.

You're becoming a deeper shade of pink Ed, are you ok???....!!!!

Thanks Gesso for those. The fate of CB is in the hands of management at the moment. I agree that a chat room is not in keeping with the ethos of the site and as we found, it brought in certain undesirable "elements".

Robinia - I have appeared to become a darker shade of pink. Very strange....

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...TIMBERRRRRRR -crash!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ooooophhhh, not my week is it??

Hello Biddybankers......blimey!combes...beard...Has a quick shave.....Erm......Have a very nice xmas ED...are we going across the pond this yuletide..or staying in good old we please have some sixties wallpaper(you know..them giant orange flowers..with a purple background..)far out..two much man...Yeah Robinia..a Bar is a must..(the only ways to keep them biddies quiet is keep um permantly drunk)a wurly-wurlitzer jukebox...but i like this :)

Hiya Vinny - I'm off on Christmas Day to see the familia!

Get to spend some "quality time" at Philadelphia International for a 5 hour layover. Fun!

Hope you have a lovely Christmas - take care of our fair bids!

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Oooer, where am I? It was so quiet I nodded off......better get my pacamac on & toddle off......
I had a really funny dream. It was only three days to Christmas & I'd done nothing & had no food in the cupboard. Haha must have been that blue cheese....

Oh didn't see you there IAP - are we getting the decorators in? Mmm very nice too....tell them not to leave a mess....where's my scarf with the poodles on?
right I'm off now...ttfn.

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send us out into the world Robinia?? I can think of nothing more likely to strike terror into the heart of the populace. The only sensible purpose of the BiddyGrotto would be using soft music and hypnotic screensavers to lull us all into snoozing at our keyboards and keeping us off the streets.

A generous supply of Baileys would help too.

ah, reading AB Ed's posts, I foresee the future design of the BiddyBank looking like this - very snug and homely.
I'm still here...just !! I want it decked out fifties style with a proper scullery and washstands in the bedrooms and wallpaper with cabbage roses.I remember watching a programme on TV a while back know..called The Victorian House where a modern day family had to live as they did then.I remember saying to Mr.S that things hadn't changed much from victorian times to how we lived in the fifities.We still had Pears soap and gas mantles!
Anyway dear folks I am off to the Fatherland on Friday so will wish you all a Very merry Christmas,Fr�liche Weihnachten, and will see you all again next week.I may get a last post in tomorrow if I get a minute !
Have a great time and try to stay upright especially Vinny!.....Love and hugs to you all
Shaneystar xxxx

Heeeeelp! Is anyone there? I'm at the bottom of the Bran Tub! In A Pickle was very kindly showing me how Diana Ross invented the bran tub and I was rudely pushed in. Snug in here though innit. I'm in Melbourne for Christmas with the family and wonder of wonders my bruv has hi speed wiz bang internet broadband wizimacallet that allowed me to plough though all these pages. My connection at home takes about 10 minutes to open a page!

I must say the Ed seems very nice these days. Hello Ed, Merry Christmas to you... Down Here...I'm Downunder the bran tub...

I must say I'm enjoying "Blackpool" which is in to it's fourth week here. And Robinia and Gessoo were very good on "Grumpy Old Women" Christmas special.

Can someone pass me down a brandy and dry. Taa.

ps. Is this a record that Robinia has broken with this thread?

Have a great holiday,shaneystar.carefull....oooops..dont fall in ...should have taken the plane germanys that way>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>


Brill IAP....Can i have them all pleeeease..!

hi graemer..down there...( :)you better not show this site to your relatives ..ED...they might think you work in a do..!(goes and hides in the bran tub)

christmas cracker...jokes...

Teacher: Where are the Andes?
Pupil: At the end of your armies

How does a monkey make toast in the zoo?
He sticks it under the gorilla.

Why did the landlord refuse to serve the ghost?
He didn't have a licence to serve spirits.

thats the last time i buy crackers from harrods...!( :)

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'Sno good I couldn't stay away - had no intention of venturing here before it was dripping on toast time...

Thanks IAP - have you been wearing it....?

shaneystar - Frollicking Weinachten to you too - have a wonderful time. Have bought you a little sommink - it's some glamourous seamed stockings, I got 'em down the market & the old gal said the seams might be a bit wonky. I told her that was ok as so was my friend when she'd had a few. See you next year, thanks for visiting.xxxxxx

jno I don't think I'm ever going to be able to get this lot out into the world. I hope their kitchens haven't become like

graeme get out of there...I know you were only scrabbling around to find the Brylcreem Gift Set. I regret to inform you that I had to give it to the electric man to compensate him for spending 10 on the roof. He was muttering something like 'Pay for this....' but I had to explain that gifts from the tub are free. Bless him.

btw shaneystar don't listen to Vinny, Germany's ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ that way. For heaven's sake Vinny who taught you to read a map??? you hold it that way up....see!!!

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