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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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yerrrssss... husbands can be like that about breasts, Cetti. You might well think they're for the birds.
Smudge Please accept my deepest sympathy. Jude.

Morning all - bit chillier here today. I hear there's snow in Hastings eh Inapickle hope you are cosy and warm. We are expecting a huge downpour just when I have put my kingsize sheets in washing machine. Back to normal here until the weekend when Spain really goes to town, and then again on the 5th January, the night of the Kings (more present giving) then it will all be over.

Smudge just to let you know we are thinking of you and your family with love.

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The north wind doth blow
and we shall have snow
And what will poor Biddies do then?
We'll stay in this grotto
and drink ourselves blotto
And ne'er take a bath until spring
- stinky things.

Tis lovely and sunny

down this way,my little Biddie bunnys.

Even jack frost...stays away..!

But when i went down to fetch the milk

dressed in me old dressing gown,

A cold wind did blow ,up the old kyber pass

freezing me crown jewels on the way...!

With me legs open wide,by the fireside

Oh its good to be inside on a day like today..!!(:)

And me are lovely and warm..( :)

Thank you so much for all your kind thoughts. The glowing candles & verse from you IAP was beautiful. The tears are rolling down my face as I type. My sister is being cremated in Spain at 3:00pm our time - but the thought of her being so far away without her siblings around her, is so heartbreaking. I have to go.........
smudge when my father was cremated so far away in England I went to my mother's grave here and prayed for him - it felt right - and I just knew he understood.
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Thinking of you smudge xxx
That was a lovely thing to do neti.

sitting here typing on my new snazzy laptop (gift from Santa) when it struck me that Smudge's and Robinia's news are all part of the continuity of being a Biddy

We share our sorrows, and our joys and our unrepeatable jokes. Together we have created a haven of fag ash, empties and seasonal feeling. Truly this is the best of what the internet can be like.

Long may it continue (hint hint ED) and I wish you all a New Year that comes with tidings of comfort and joy (and large cocktails....well we are Biddies after all)

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An invitation - In September I made a vast Christmas Cake with mountains of fruit - no nuts, so fillings are safe - finished off with over a quarter pint of Courvoisier!

Now it's nicely matured, weighs a ton...everyone's too full to eat I thought the BiddyBabes might like it. What do you say....biggest lump for smudge, of course?

jno has just guided me here and I was so upset to read your sad news, smudge. Any time is the wrong time to leave but feast days always make it seem so much more poignant.

May Amy rest in peace, xxx

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Phew, am I relieved to get here. I was locked out of the cyber-tunnel entrance all afternoon - suppose it was all those people with new computers..... ahem!....clogging it up. Anyway I decided to get sat.nav. on my shopping trolley and come the long way round but I think it was programmed by a hamster 'cos I've spent the past two hours whizzing past the entrance. Not one of you waved.

Love your post woofgang - you've summed up all recent events & feelings so well.

foxy.fagin welcome to the fold hope we see you again.

Now Cetti - my head has stopped spinning & I'm ready for a slice of that cake please. A tot of brandy wouldn't go amiss either to drink to the dear departed ones and the new ones yet to arrive.

Wondered where you were Robinia.....the site went a bit 'iffy' this morning but all is well now, although the recent mix of messages make it both a very happy and very sad time for all of us. I'm so pleased hearing your news...the thought of a new babe does lift the spirits, doesn't it?

Odd thing, we went out Christmas Eve in the afternoon and already buds are forming on some trees...even the birds are practising their songs ready for the new season. Sorry, I'm off on planet birdy again!!!!!

Right, cake, yes, I think a large slice for you as well, you deserve it, but if you see how much brandy is already in it I wonder if it's wise to have a glass as well......if you're sure but don't blame me if you fall over. A word of warning the decorations aren't edible....I need those for next year so don't start chomping on the'll break your teeth.

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Oooh thanks Cetti! I think your Igloo could stand a little renovation - looks like a polar bear has marked his territory or would it be all that brandy seeping through?

The birds have been so busy today - the blackbirds have been tapping on the window & bobbing up & down on the sill to attract my attention. I've four of them now all fighting to get the upper beak.

Hope your dinner table survived all the festivities btw - without the aid of a party-proof cover!

crunchhhhh............. now you tell me Cetti
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Fear not IAP I have a couple of friends working on it so it won't happen again. By the time I've eaten all Cetti's cake & the left over pudding & mince pies it'll be a squeeze tho'.


OOh lovely, three more guests. I do so like a full house this time of year. Now just a's your missing tooth neti... do you think Prict Stick.... or something like that will fix it...don't smile, then you'll be fine.

The birds are very happy having dined on more booze soaked pud. The spadgers have stopped following the blackies and the dopey dunnock looks even more stupid having more pud that is good for him.

IAP can I interest you in a little something from my table? Looks good doesn't it - don't worry if you make a mess...cloth is wipe clean courtesy of Woollies. Yes, bought the last one Robinia.

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