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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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neti I had root canal work done, which I won't describe, and was put on antibiotics until Christmas, so no alcohol. I've got a temp filling in and am going back to have a proper gold one done next week. (It's well back so won't show, I hope.) Am eating all on one side at the mo. Good luck with yours.
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Well IAP I'm not quite sure whose loo you've actually been stuck in but you have a choice of one here and that's the LadsLav. You must have got lost in the snow. If you've been in the biddies NooLoo there'll be trouble. (just to remind you LadsLav)
And who is that wearing my Fun Fur coat? I keep that specially for Friday nights when I go down the social club to play Bingo.

Just popped in before bed time Robinia. The picture of the lav reminds me when I used to stay in deepest Dorset as a child. It was an extremely creepy 17th century pub in a village where everyone was a character straight out of a Hardy novel. I'm digressing again. Oh yes, there was no inside toilet so we had to go down the bottom of the garden, through an orchard, over a stile to a sort of hut. Inside was a long bench with not one, but two holes where you could wee ( or whatever) side by side. The toilet paper consisted of many copies of John Bull!

Good to see you back safe and sound shaneystar - there's a large piece of my cake saved for you, please eat it off my wipeclean tablecloth as we must keep our standards up!

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Cetti where I live now many people are a character from a Hardy novel -the only difference is they wear anoraks & fleece tops. I've been to a few outside lavs in my time too, including our house when I was small, where I locked myself in, and first two schools. In weather like this they would freeze & we'd all be sent home - hurray! - only to find the one at home was frozen too!

IAP - that's some throne!! However, I'm very miffed to see that you've found the pic of the party piece that I was preparing for New Year. I'm going to have to work out a whole new routine now.

Hope you are all keeping warm this snowy morning.I wouldn't venture to any outside lavs in this lot.
The cake was very nice cetti....that's my diet down the pan..pardon the pun.
My brother brought Shaney home yesterday's not funny having a great dog sitting on your lap..he was so pleased to see us and here he is this morning enjoying the snow
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Lovely pic shaneystar! Do all dogs go potty in the snow? I can't see my little chap in it, being mostly white, until he moves. He's just unearthed what looks like the remains of a sausage roll!

Right, my hairdresser has sent a text to say she has a space so it's a new blue rinse for me. Luckily she comes here - you wouldn't get me out the door even if John Frieda was waiting to do it for free. (of course I will make it to the Grotto tho') Snow falling again & the sky looks full.

He is getting an old boy now Robinia..but you would think he was in his puppyhood this morning.He loves the snow and was rolling and jumping about in it . I hope your blue rinse turns out O.K. ..don't let her use to much setting lotion .Do you remember Toddilocks? My Mum used to put that on my hair when I was a child and then the dreaded rags !

Very brief visit. Fell down the stairs on Christmas morning and have fractured a vertebrae and done lots of muscle and ligament damage to my back. Too uncomfortable and painful to sit and catch up with all the postings on here, but hope you are all OK. Obviously, no Barcelona!!!

(and I hadn't had any alcohol!!)

Oh dear Gessoo....most painful for you. I am sorry to hear this.The Arthur Ritis is bad enough without all this as well. What with our teeth,my thyroid,and now your back, we are in a state !
I do hope you will feel better soon ..shame about your trip but your health comes first .Take care and a Happy New Year xx
dear dear, I am beginning to wonder how many biddies are going to make it to the new year. We should probably all get ourselves cloned now, to provide spare parts, before it's too late
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Oh no gessoo that's terrible - I hope you feel better soon. We'll have to send you a BiddyCross parcel (or should that be CrossBiddy) with some emergency supplies in.......thermal vest, spare buttons for your libby, bedsocks, & industrial strength hairnet as I'm sure you won't want to have your hair done.

I actually almost fell downstairs myself on xmas eve as I was bringing a handful of pressies down. I have a really bad knee & it gave way & the things in my right hand went flying. Good job my little dog wasn't waiting at the bottom as he normally is. Had to shuffle down the rest on my bottom and sit there until I could get up. I'm being so careful now & daren't go out on the ice.

Hair is fabulous shaneystar, she gave it a good rinse in some Dolly Blue & I'm ready to party. Shame about my ears......

Oh dear you poor bunch. I am sure that i put some sloane's liniament and oil of cloves in the bran tub (rummages) yup, here we go, help yourselves. jno, gessoo, youve got the bottles mixed up NO jno, don't gargle with the Sloanes.....oh well, too late, nobody use any naked lights till the hiccupping's stopped

Gessoo - what a shame, and I was going to fly over to Barca and walk thro the streets shouting Gessoo??? Do take it easy and take care. Actually today I have been feeling pretty grotty(no pun intended) and feel like the flu is coming on - hopefully not, as we are going out to a New Year's Eve dinner on Saturday. Daughter also feels bad. If it's not one thing it's another, am feeling rather fed up.

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.........slaps neti on the back.....
Cheer up old girl - Biddy spirit & all that, at this rate I'll have to call Book-A-Biddy to keep the Grotto busy. Gonna be hard to do Auld Lang Syne on my own, I'll have me arms in a knot...........I suppose there's always the leccy man.........has anyone checked on him lately?

I'm getting very worried for the public in woofgang's place of work..... I just rang the nurse about my knee & she said wrap a cabbage leaf round it & put a potato in your pocket.......said somebody called dr.woofgang had authorised it.

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Good grief IAP, that's Bet Lynch.....she really has let herself go, hasn't she?
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I'm wondering where Vinny has got to....???.... hope he hasn't been arrested for sending dodgy pictures of his ...erm.... slippers with his new phone.

I'd have thought Vinny would be around to post answer number 700

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