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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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I only went to bed with Del Boy and Rodney and Granddad, think Robinia got the better bargain,

Good morning all my little Biddybankers, and how are we today?

Weather here in Spain is moderate, no sun but no rain either.

Morning Biddys.What did you do to them poor divo's Robinia...(:)


east midlands airport is that way guys...>>>>>>>>>>>>(:)HaHaHa...!

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.....phew....... ;-)

morning all - halellujah it's stopped raining. Still windy but looks like it might be a brighter day at last.....glad we're still here.

I've been thinking about what flamingo said about this being a long thread & could be a problem....the only thing I know about computers is how to waste time on it. Could this get too long? I have noticed it takes a minute to open sometimes and graeme said he couldn't open lots of pages at all on his comp. We can't start a new one though.....It's ok you can tell me I'm being thick if you want.....

I know very little about cyberspace (as far as I'm concerned, it is rocket science), but it seems to me that you only open the BiddyGrotto one page at a time, same as any other thread, and one page of 20 posts is pretty much the same length as another. It only takes a long time if you go through one page at a time instead of jumping to the last page.

Good morning all, hope all's well with you & your's.

Thank you so much for the lovely flowers IAP, very kind of you. They smell wonderful & take pride of place on my dining table. -x-

This is me today.


Morning all from sunny Queensland ! Alot of you have been having a hard time lately so I'll wish you all A Very Healthy and Happy NEW Year .Now if you were to pass all the leftover chocolates to me I'll look after them fot you and save you all getting toothache .Mind you I might have to eat them myself or else they'll melt in this heat ! Take it easy smudge . Nioe talking to you all again BTW Robinia I go straight to the last page and work backwards to get my daily dose of laughter !!!

Well hello Dolly g'day -

gessoo why so sad,you are amongst friends.

I went for my daily coffee with my friends only to find my purse was empty! was so embarrassed , they had to pay, may have to crawl back into bed with DelBoy, Rodney and Granddad again. BTW the sun is shining and it's warmish, and have to take off one of my two sweaters. Hooray.

Robinia if AB Ed let's us still post, surely we cannot be flooding cyberspace with out twitterings. Can you imagine if Nasa logged on and found our nonsense instead of all that incredibly clever stuff it uses. Be the best day's work for them!!!
*our twitterings*

Hi Netti,

Well apart from my fall, etc. there are several things in the family that are causing anxiety at the moment and everything seems to have got to me. In fact, you lot are the only people that keep me going at present. I haven't left the house since Christmas, except for two hospital visits as I just hurt too much and feel under the weather, but I am hoping to go out for a drive with my son later today. He can walk the dogs and I will sit in the car and look at the sea - with my hot water bottle on my back!!!!

Sorry about my previous posting - I just felt a bit desparate!

Lots of love xxxxx

Latest news . NASA uses machine to clean space from Biddychatter to make room for spaceships.


Hey gessoo that's what we are here for, you can relieve all your bad feelings, we none of us take it personally and we are here for you. Only hope you start feeling pain-free soon. xx

Thank you for thinking of me Dolly! -x-

Oh, to be in Queensland now that Winter's here!

been a tough holiday season for some people, hasn't it - my toothache and Jude's flu are really quite minor items. Well, that's what BiddyGrottos are for, relaxing in peace <except for those moon buggies grinding past> for those people who can't make it to the Gold Coast. Gessoo, smudge and all those others who've had a lot on their plate - notice how the days are already growing longer?? Things will get better.
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That's blown the cobwebs off - I've just been to the local shops & it's a lovely bright & breezy day here ( E. Midlands - Derby for the benefit of Dolly - think the rest of you know).

Yes I start at the end of the thread & esrever <haha to where I left off too - I just wondered if the whole thread queueing up at your computer door was a problem - how does this woman's brain work? I hear you saying....

gessoo so sorry that things are getting to you - sometimes the 'rubbish' in life comes in lorry loads and there's only so much we can sort out without feeling the strain. I could write a book about family problems - but no one would believe half of it! Keep your chin up - feel free to go in the scullery & throw a few pots down the cellar steps....we'll send vinny down to sweep up.

neti - I think all nasa scientists have a shortcut to the Grotto on their laptops

neti I lost faith in rocket science a year or two ago when I read about that Nasa probe that shot off course because half the scientists (it turned out) had been working in inches and the other half in metrics! I mean, would you ask one of them to knit you a jumper?
Well no jno but they would fit right in with us lot.
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I'll bet there are psychologists studying this thread ....

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