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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
1904 Answers
It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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Thank you for your kind thought too Jude!
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you lot are certainly doing some rabbiting today....

Nothing wrong at all Jude with Sainsbury's or their staff - they certainly have the best food - ok M & S are pretty good too....

I've been wondering if there's anything brewing behind the AB doors....I get a bit paranoid around this time as this seems to be when things happen....

I remember in the early 80's going into Sainsburys in Sutton Surrey and asking for Spare Ribs, they looked at me as if I was an alien - "don't sell ribs here ma'am" we lived on em inSpain and I wanted to show my sisters how to cook em. Of course nowadays you can buy almost anything.

Robinia I rarely venture out passed these portals, bit like "Lord of the Flies" out there somedays.

Just crept into Suggestions and woofy's and shaney's questions have been locked. Now why is that. Is it to stop the chattering you naughty people!!!
Sainsburys in Sutton Neti !! No longer there I'm afraid .It's a big shopping mall now on that site.They have a huge Sainsburys now in North Cheam.
I used to work at Sainsburys in the 1970's. On the old push button tills.I loved it and still keep in touch with a couple of people I worked with. I was only there a couple of years but had a great time working there.
Gone you say? It was near the market and Tesco's, oh alack and alas, but obviously I haven't been there for a few years.
I think it's because I moaned about this clone Neti.I had a reply to my Q from another ruddy clone would you believe..but ED has since removed it !
Tescos is also no longer there and the market has gone .It's another big mall with a cinema complex...Tescos is now a huge Asda- It's just over two years since we moved from that area and there have been huge changes even since we moved here to Norfolk. The new Tescos is on the by pass now where you come down from St Dunstans.As for Wimbledon you wouldn't recognise it !
Hey shaneystar I used to work on the corner of St Dunstan's Hill and Abbotts Road, near the Gander Pub (which was). A telecommunications called Bunzle and (ASL)Auto Switching Ltd. Worked there for a couple of months in 1978 after we left Spain and then we moved to Truro, then back to Sutton and then back to Spain. Used to drink in a pub called "The Crown" just down from Tesco's( as was).
Just nipped in to say if anybody's there I'm off to bed now. Have a good night!! Jude x
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I am skulking around at this time of night because I can't sleep. Grrr!
Perhaps I will try that dormitory IAP! Not too sure about the night wear though.!
Neti I do remember The Gander at the top of Gander Green Lane's still there and also The Crown in Sutton High St.We used to go in there for a lunch if we were shopping in Sutton.What a small world !!
Do you remember a pub on Sutton Common Road called The Woodstock?

Well folks I must get some shuteye..this is not on.
Goodnight to you to have nightmares in IAP's dormitory !!

Good day - yes shaneystar I remember the Woodstock, my hubby comes from Sutton and we lived there for about 3yrs before we came back to Spain. Used to live between Gander Green Lane and West Sutton Station, very near to the Rec. I used to love the market as had never seen anything like it. Spent all my wages there. Ho hum happy days.

IAP love the nightwear . very elegant. I can't get on here in the evenings as daughter hogs the machine. (well it's better than her partying all night!!)

Oh and by the way, I do not have a beard or muscles, something must be wrong!!!!

right, I've got a dozen of these on order for the dormitory. Each one sleeps about 6. They come with their own turn-down service and hundreds of little chocolates scattered on the pillows every night.It may be that some extension of the grotto is necessary - I think it needs to be about the size of St Paul's - so I'll try to lure some of the Poles away from the Wembley project.

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Morning all - I do believe it might actually get light today, it's looking hopefully bright at the moment. I do hope so - the combination of not feeling good & the relentless darkness is getting me down now. I can cope with winter so much better if it's the bright & fresh variety.
For all the sleep I got last night I might as well have stayed in here all night. Not sure about Pickle's dorm but jno's four poster looks interesting if a tad creaky.....and who's going to dust all those nooks and crannies? Oh and Pickle I think it'll be cream wincy all round in here - a snip at 3/11...hope there are free hairnets thrown in.
Hope you managed some sleep shaneystar - it's the 3am to 5am hours that I find worse.
Neti you could find it takes a few days for the beard to sprout - I did ..... the hairy chest comes as an added bonus and it really freaks out the bra measuring assistant in M & S which is even better.....

This of course for Vinny and IAP mustn't leave them out!


jno what do you mean by poles?




Hi all
I agree Robinia...I don't think we have seen the sun here for a few days now.It's dull and damp.What has happened to this bitter winter they threatened us with.I wouldn't mind if it was really cold as long as it was bright..Sleep eludes me most nights. This is why I don't get up very early..if I don't get at least six hours then I am like a bear with a sore head.

I think the Great bed of Ware would be more comfy Jno..we could all cram in and it would save on laundry.I shall get busy knitting us some wee willie winkie hats!

It is a small world Neti...I worked at the Woodstock for eight years!

either will do neti - the place needs some Polish

Ere ease up shaneystar - not sure about all cramming into bed together, surely you are rushing things????

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