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Robinia | 13:50 Mon 05th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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It seems we're not getting any changes on AB 'til after xmas so I've set up a grotto for us. Sorry it's a bit like a scene from Great Expectations but I've sprayed a few cobwebs silver & blown the dust off me doileys so please come in & sit down.
What do all the biddies/grumps want to find in their wrinkly stockings this year then? Do you like all this festivity or will you be the grumpy gran/grandpa from hell this year?
Please feel free to take a present out of the bran tub as you leave by the way. Contents may be unidentifiable....oops varied.


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I love Hastings IAP.We used to go there a lot many years ago when I was a schoolgirl and lived in Chatham.The last time I was there was about ..oooh..eight years ago now I suppose and I had a lovely meal in a restaurant .Plaice and chips.I have never tasted such delicious fish.The restaurant had two floors.I can't for the life of me remember what it was called.It was only a cafe type place ...but I have never forgotten that fish!
And ..what a lovely little church.I love old churches.This is our local church on the corner of our road ..St Andrews...famous for the Bacon family and the Gorleston psalter
shaney don't overdo the personal information - remember, you attract imposters!
OMG ..I didn't think Jno. I have already had a moan to ED about these clones.You are quite right.I ramble on and get carried away.
Just spent hours (oh all right minutes then) typing a long reply re churches in my village and the damn thing disappeared. Am off today for a steroid injection for my shoulder, so will be back later with muscles and beard to match. IAP and shaneystar what beautiful piccies, love the Norman church in the snow. Hope everyone is feeling OK. Chilly here in Spain today.
that should do wonders for your weightlifting neti, always so useful for a lady about the house

Morning BiddyBuddies all.

jno. Loved your posting about the cars. Funnily enough, last night I was feeling very sentimental and going through all my little treasures. One of them is a little metal money box that my wonderful granddad kept all his little momentoes in. In their is a little black and white photo of him circa 1950 with his very first car. Granddad looks very dapper in a suit and trilby hat. I remember the car very well - Registration FLO ***. Dear old Flo she took us down to the coast on so many occasions. He then sold Flo and bought a Morris Oxford YMF 569 who was named 'Young Man's Fancy'. She came to me when I was 21 which was when Grandad stopped driving. Granded died aged 90 when I was pregnant, one year after my lovely dad died.

Ah, memories!

Went out for a Thai meal last night to our local friendly pub and had a nice time. Really enjoyed myself but full of aches and pains when I got home. Never mind, they are getting better now, although I am still very tired. It was lovely to get out again.

I had a weird dream last night. Shaneystar and I arranged to meet at a doctor's surgery. (where else!) We were drinking tumblers of vodka and helping the doctor out by washing patients' hair whilst they waited for their appointments. The place was crowded out! Shaney told me her real name but now I can't remember - it was something like Vena or Venus!!

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Morning all - erm, the lavs have been scrubbed I hope - jno's brings back memories of my primary school toilets. The only good thing was when they froze up we all were sent home.

Lovely pics IAP and shaneystar.
By the time I'd watched Foyle's War I was too tired to come back in the grotto. I love Michael Kitchen - my brother in law went to school with him.

neti we won't be messing with you then any trouble & we know who to send for - hope it makes you feel better.

It's amazing how many cars there are now compared to when we were small. This is my home town, Long Eaton, about the time I was 2 - in fact the woman on the right with the pushchair looks like me & my mum......there's one shop left that I swear has the same things in the window now. I love old b & w photos don't you?


Robinia Good morning. I know that shop in Long Eaton full of stuff years and years old but people apparently still shop in there.Everything and anything from a packet of needles to a wooden spoon.

Today I'm off to the Drs. to get a certificate for work.I just need a bit more time to get my energy level up and my appetite back. Hope everyone is ok this a.m.

Lovely pictures IAP and Shaneystar.

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Hi Jude - there was nothing that shop didn't sell & I remember being in there ages with my mum while they fetched things out of wooden drawers. She always went in there for her 'pinnies' the ones like


we had a cooker like that too!

Hope you feel better soon (glad you got past the receptionist).

Why on earth has one of these futile imbeciles that invades AB picked on our Shaneystar to clone, etc. Our lovely Shaney who has never been anything but polite and inoffensive to anybody and has given such helpful advice to lots of people. I am so angry!!!!


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when neti gets back pumped full of steroids we'll get her to sort them out....

Shaney.This is for the clone,I think they need to branch out a bit...Gessoo..glad your getting out and about.

How's our Smudge doing..!xx(:)

Whoops...!Shaney this is for your clone...(:)


I must be thick but I dont understand about cloning. I cant see how somebody can sign on in the same name there must be a subtle difference. Perhaps it would be best if you didn't explain!! I'll just carry on in ignorance!!
yes there are subtle differences Jude - eg Shaneystar is the original, the clone is Shaney-star. But they're close enough to be overlooked. I read a post from Jake-the-pig the other day thinking it was Jake-the-peg and wondering when he became a rightwing loony. No wonder people are annoyed.
Thanks Jno. I'll have to stay alert. It must very annoying when it happens.

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