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New Resolutions, Do You Have Any?

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Bobbisox1 | 11:44 Tue 04th Jan 2022 | ChatterBank
107 Answers
I start off well …..
But I’m determined to lose a stone and a half for my up and coming holiday at the end of April.
Have you made one? Or broke one ? Or do you not bother?
Remove the word resolution and is there anything you’re determined to do as the new year begins?


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Doing a dry January again.
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Well done you Khandro
I have resolved not to rise to the bait this year but I'm already finding things difficult, what with all the master baiters on here.
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Haha, that would be so worthy of a BA Doogie :0)

Ken I don’t do those ‘yes/ No answers :0(
Yes I have resolved to get to the stage where I can bench press my own weight and do a proper chin up. I used to be able to do that but I've got weaker over time.
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Bench press you own weight?
Okayyy ;0/
yes bobby that requires some weight loss and some strength gain.
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Are you or were you a keep fit addict TTT?
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Danny thats just not you, you’re too nice :0))))
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Arh well , thanks all, :0))))
I tried to get out of the stuff that rumbles on a bit and I failed miserably …end of, hahaha
Hi Bobbs. Don't really bother. I can resist anything but temptation.
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I bought my grandson ( nearly 18 ) a bottle of OVD rum , apparently he’s partial to a Rum &Coke and doesn’t drink beers, I bought it because his late other grandad drank it and it was our second Christmas without him, as a tribute to the man himself, I do believe grandson teared up opening it Sparklykid
I am trying to do exercises to regain my flexibility. Arthritis has taken quite a toll thanks to lockdown (swimming pools etc. closed), so more mobility exercises at home. I also want to cut alcohol intake to lose weight.

So far, just getting going on them.
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I agree jourdain, it’s so hard to get motivated again especially as we have a snow covering and minus 1 temps here ( and can I say thank you by the way )
In December I decided to stop using Spray Deodorants. Roll on next year, I thought.
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Haha Zac , top marks to you , hope family are all alright?
bobby: "Are you or were you a keep fit addict TTT? " - wouldn't say addict, probably enthusiast though over the last few years I have lost some of that enthusiasm. I am hoping to get it back, I've been on my cross trainer and lifting weights for the last year or so but all a bit half hearted I'm getting back to doing a proper job starting 1/1, so here I am on day 4 feeling a bit stiff but I'm going out for 30 mins on the cross trainer in a minute. I'll pop back in to this thread when I get back.

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