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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
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(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Hope Charlie gets well soon Robi . Pets take some looking after don't they. I've thought of having another dog but I don't think it would be fair really as I wouldn't have the time to keep him company or to take care of him/her properly.Hope you are having not a too bad a weekend.

Don't dances have funny names Kit we used to do one called the Creep. It was sort of a last Waltz for people who couldn't dance properly. Basicly it was 3 steps then a shuffle. It wasn't done in waltz time but slowly round the floor and everybody going the same way like a big wheel. Crazy :o) I'll google it and see what I can find.

Going to my son's in a bit so I'll see yer later 'gater(s) have a good night. xx
P.S. I've been on the naughty step Neti for shouting :o)
lol neti I've been to Fayres like that, or you stand wondering just how guilty you'll feel if you win back the big tin of choccy biscuits that you gave for the xmas raffle....go on, admit it, hehe :o)

I 'spose it's best for pet wounds to be dry & their rasping tongues take the top layer off....they're a worry aren't they?

hi Jude...I doubt I'd take on another pet (while I was on my own) it's a big responsibility for a long time.
Hahaha...The Creep! never knew that it had a name but we used to do that basic waltz thing.
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the trouble with dogs and licking is that the fools don't know when to stop!
too true woofy I suppose it's like us with the itch/scratch syndrome...the more you scratch the more it itches....(leave it Vincent)
anyone else struggling with this site?...I couldn't get anything after my last post on here until now...
this is about as far as my dancing goes (only I don't look so good) itsme/dance_monkey_dance.gif
Robi Ken Mackintosh and his band played a tune called ~The Creep~ specially for the dance after it had taken on in all the dance halls......
Just a little sing song - Let's Walk under the moon of love tra la la!! It's just on the radio at the mo!!!:o)
lol jno did you clear the floor with that move?

It's Jude's fault I'm now racking my brain to remember those ballroom/country dances we did at school in PE lessons when the weather was too bad to go outside & we were given a reprieve from gym....ooooh, I bloomin hated that.
There was one we did to the tune of Moonlight & Roses but I can't remember what it was.....and remember the Gay Gordons? it's not gay now...
Robi I did have a go on the tombola and won an awful ginger jar type thingy but looked more like an urn to me, so I carted it once round the hall, and then donated it back, ghastly looking thing it was, not me at all!!
I'm surprised you haven't sneaked it into the bran tub neti...ermmmmm.....have we got one yet?
Dancing again are we! The Creep... shouldn't the music beThe Monster Mash, Jude!

That's confuzzling, Woofy - I now see the correct page but only text and links, no preview image of the screensaver? Don't exhaust yourself on my account though, I don't think I'll be downloading a screensaver anyway, just wanted to see what you were posting. Is it just me can't see an image, or isn't there one? Did see Santa though! ...and had a look around too, as he said - bet Robinia clicked on the tiny bell jar with the custard-looking thing in it! Ooo and click on the fire!

Back a little later with some dog paw comments for you Robi. (I'll rephrase that: If I'm not removed for the YouTube vid I just posted on my thread in Suggs I'll be back a little later...!)
oh poop Kit I forgot about those links, I'd copied them to my favourites to look at later..I'll look now....

<some time passes>

No, I don't see any images either, just lots of microsoft info. But I did see the santa video & I ordered some peace of mind, better times & a shed load of custards...haha, let's see him deliver that! It's lovely woofy, I'll send it to the grandmonsters.

Called my sis, Robi, to get her take on paw probs. She swears by a silver salve (!) for animals which she says is a panacea more or less. Sounds a little bit dodgy to me particularly after hearing about the health hazards for silversmiths, but admittedly I don't know enough about that to hold an opinion so I'm just quoting her. She washes the area with silver water (silvervatten) before applying the salve (silversalva). They're not saying on the site that the silver salve has healing properties or even that it's for the paw, they're just saying it's antiseptic and prevents bacteria and fungi problems from developing, but sis seems to be saying the salve heals as well. There is a paw salve (tassalva) as well in the same line of products, which they say keeps the paws soft in order to prevent cracks. Prevention only, and sis didn't mention that one, I don't think she's tried it.

here's the page "V�lkommen in" = welcome (click), "Produkter" = products, and "Kontakta oss" = contact us. I'd be happy to help further in any way I can...

...oh sh!t, I just ran a search for colloidal silver (which is what they use), seems you could turn blue and all sorts of issues... look up "argyria" in Wikipedia if you're interested... any-hoo, I'll help you get it if you do want it after all - if all else fails.
Just took a second look at the salve site, apparently it's not just the silver but also the emu oil the salves contain that works the miracles (yes, emu as in the bird!!! it's made from birds!)
thanks Kit I'll see what the local pet shop has to offer in the morning or failing that it'll be a trip to the men in green, it's a bit too near to xmas holiday time to be 'waiting & seeing....'

better not let him see that, he'll be getting fancy ideas....
Morning all - it's very dark and wet here, honestly how much rain can one small island sustain?? My cess pit will be coming up to meet me soon.

Robi How are you feeling with the lurgy? and of course, how is poor darling Charlie? Do hope he's getting better. Years ago the visiting vets here used sulfuric powder for any wound on an animal, and by 'eck it was jolly effective, my poor cat had been shot and this powder cured him and healed the wound. It was bright luminous yellow, wonder if it's still available
mornin' neti & all...still feeling grim & drained, have got a cough now, deep joy. Good news is, it was 3rd time lucky & after much wrestling I managed to get a sock I'd made from stretchy bandage (could be a lucrative business in the making!) on Chas' foot & it's looking better this morning, not so red & swollen. Fingers & paws crossed we'll be spared the vet. Just gotta brave the sub-zero elements to fetch some bandage & micropore.
have a hot toddy for me when I get back please...
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no ther's no preview, just the download, you get a wallpaper, screensaver and a waving santa cursor

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