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biddy singalong (no goat herds)

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woofgang | 11:49 Wed 14th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
511 Answers

(accordion intro)

Watch me now,

Here I go,

All I need's a little snow



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Hi all and hope you are all ok?
Vinny, you left out Bethlehem in Wales (is Wales in Britain?)
Robi I am glad you and Charlie are hanging in
KIt, have you stopped shaking?
I have been rushing round the last few of days...went up to London to see my sisters which was nice and spent yesterday with a migraine which wasn't.
Going to cook chili for dinner now, catch you all tomorrow
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good arternoon all (looks round at empty Grotto, glasses with dregs of mulled wine and Vinny's patent sheep medication, half eaten sausage rolls and gingerbread)
Oh well I just dropped in with today's christmas cheer....hope you are all okay
Hi my darling possums! I'm at the ole internet cafe where I've just deposited my laptop for service. I want another browser (other than IE) and some other fixes. Not sure when I will get my puta back again but I hope before Christmas - if not, have a good one! I've just bought loads of turquoise Highlander yarn (90% wool, 10% nylon) and I'll be knitting away like a maniac - shawl and leg warmers I think.

Someone I met at work a hundred years ago (or twenty) has started writing to me again - from the other side of the world. Now I'm pretty sure it's not a romantic attack but it's kinda nice to learn someone's been thinking about you. I remember he was so eager to learn Swedish he gave himself the assignment of translating the extremely boring book the the municipality gives to all its "immigrants", stating facts about health care budgets, infrastructure et cetera ha ha ha, that's ambition for you... Will drop him a line now before they close here but listen possums I really do think I will be back before Christmas so I won't get sentimental on you right now, I'll just say see ya.

Thanks Robi for helping me get my message through!
Question Author
morning all, here's today's christmas fun, Vinny you might like this....
catch youse later?
oh look, Virgin has allowed me onto the internet today! Blessed be St Richard!

Time to disclose my latest fabby weight-loss discovery. I weighed myself in the bathroom and it said... well, I won't go into details but if you imagine the weight of Jupiter and a couple of moons you won't be far out... then I went to pick up a towel and weighed myself again when I returned and I'd lost 2lb! The journey was only about 10ft and doesn't involve the use of crampons (though a torch is always useful in my airing cupboard), so it's really unstrenuous. But if I could make the journey 5 times a day then I could be down to size zero in only 20 years. I am beginning to like this work-our idea!

It couldn't be anything wrong with the scales, as they are Digital.

Still scratching my head over that bomomomo, Woofgang, my picture is cute but it wasn't exactly responding to my demands very obediently.
<anorexic stick-woman totters in....>

Good morning few...glad to see this thread is hanging on, a thread...
Well my fabby weight loss discovery is no secret. Simply lean forward & allow me to cough & sneeze all over you...hey-presto, this time next week you too could be like me

love the bomomo except the whole world looks like that at the moment, I must have od'd on the buttercup syrup

Morning all - daughter is standing by gritting her teeth so will have to hurry. Glad you are all here and well(ish). Have done the xmas food shopping as we are celebrating on the 23rd. It was 6� this am and there was ice on the windscreen Wow! If I can't get on here later I wish you all a ages/merry-christmas-graphic-animation1.gif (I've forgotten how to overwrite links, can you believe it!!)
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beautiful Neti, tell your daughter to suck it up and wait her turn.
I don't specifically see Ibiza here but maybe it's behind one of the clouds 1&hdn=0&pv=3150446
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ha ha oh poo...look in your mailbox!
Good heavens I though I heard jno but can't see him/her, must have slimmed down a lot!! No jno you won't ever see Santa coming to Ibiza, we just aren't good enough, mind you we have lots of fairies!!

ooh, a Jacquie Lawson double bill, how very nice.
Morning all - Waited for daughter to come home all night, she staggered in at 7am, ate some chinese food and staggered off to bed, gosh, am I glad she doesn't live here all the time.

Cold and crisp and sunny today. Catch yer laters!!
It'll be lonely this Christmas on the biddythread!! Just been out for a Roast beef lunch first time I've eaten roast beef for 20yrs, and it was delicious, apologies to all veggies out there!
Morning comrades.
That was great fun woofy.!
Went xmas shopping in Exeter princesshay on saturday by train.5 of us �16 squid return..just over 3 quid each.What a bargain.!!Had some brill food at La Tasca.Had a coffee at giraffe where that demented idiot try to blow it up a few weeks not a great one for shopping but the new shops are magic,we finished off at wagamamas lovely noodles.. found a H.Samuel
bag on the train with a gold necklace,went to lost property but was closed,so Im going there this morning.Hope your feeling a lot better robinia. hopefully I will be on here a bit more this week,my sons staying with his girlfriend for a couple of nights.Or though hes got a laptop,he prefers me putta..shucks.! anyways catch youes later>>>(*_*)
ho ho ho
Just a quick hello...I'm still struggling terribly with this flu, & trying to look after Chas too, still dressing his paw to keep it clean & dry. Sores now scabs so I'm hoping we keep on top of it til I'm well enough to go somewhere with him.
You know those nightmares when you wake up on xmas morning & nothing is done - well I'm living it. Present shopping wasn't finished , not all cards were sent & no food shopping done. I think I'll be giving up & writing it all off, there's no way I'm miraculously gonna recover now.

So sorry to be a party pooper but I'll wish you all a very merry christmas, & certainly a healthy one & I'll be back as soon as possible...take good care & have a safe & lovely time.
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hugs Robi, keep warm and drink lots (some with alcohol) and I wish you a quiet christmas and a healthy New Year
Question Author
hugs Robi, keep warm and drink lots (some with alcohol) and I wish you a quiet christmas and a healthy New Year
oh yes, Robinia, do go and mull yourself over a slow stove for a few days, with a little spice... and compliments of the season to everyone else too, just in case Branson continues to stop me getting online when I want to. Had some nice Xmas drinkies and mince pies last night with a friend, Mary Jane of nery/Home.html though of course I wouldn't want to be guilty of advertising but if you need a hat you know where to go. If anyone is dissatisfied with the quality of gifts they ordered from JNO International please return them to our Lagos office and you will get a refund next year some time.
Hi everyone, just opened a present, it was a Duffy cd "Rockferry" and I am very pleased, rest of the presents tomorrow.

Poor Robi. hope you are Charlie are managing Ok, both of you get well soon

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