Just wondered if anyone has the very windy weather that was forecast to bring trees down and tiles off roofs.
Hope none of us get it and the weather forecasters are wrong.
Been out for lunch today and the wind was just starting to whip up when we came out of the restaurant. It's raining heavily now, but the wind doesn't seem too bad looking at the trees outside my window. Hope it's not as bad as they say because I still have to do a dog walk later !
Scary night in the far south west of Ireland. Now bright but invigoratingly breezy for those brave enough to venture outside. Yellow warning for everything bar frogs and boils.
Given up trying to rescue the palm trees which may be on the ground by the time the man with the chain saw arrives to complete what the wind's done....x
I have to leave it as late as I can Barsel because she won't go out again until the morning and she won't 'perform' in her own back yard ! I'm hoping it won't get too bad here, it certainly doesn't seem it at the moment. I'm in Warrington (NW) by the way.