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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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peeps round the door.......eeek......neti's back.......tiptoes out. . . . .
dont worry...she cant catch you at her age....hehe...(:)

phew those pigs were really smelly but i dont mind cos they are real cute :) is the cuppa ready now or have i missed it?

lol robinia, i was more thinking along the lines of buying one of those brightly coloured net bags to hang on me zimmerframe

lol at biddouins, thats a great word. jno, i dont think i will read entire thread, but im not afraid of senility, the brain fog i have is almost like a senility practice :s

hi gessoo, not seen you for ages :) i bet im gonna be the one always turning up late for the threads cos i cant find you all :( wow what a scary nightmare, dont know about ibiza but it sounds like a day on our street (think shameless then double it lol)

There you go pixi...nice cup of hot char...drop of whisky in, have one of robinia's there not currants...flys i think...hehe...(:)
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Pixie wanders around AB looking for the Biddies! (note the use of satellite navigation equipment). He he


Netti finally get hold of Robinia.

take that

Zap! pow! thwonk! (thwonk??)

Afternoon Bid's, tiptoeing back in for a while....

Haven't felt up to much this last couple of days, sore throat & very lethargic - but got up this morning, wrapped up well & ventured out into the garden to rake up all the leaves & twigs! The bird baths were solid with ice, so I unwound & tugged the hose pipe all the way down to the bottom of the garden to clean & refill them, but even that was too frozen to spray! I managed a good tidy up though & I'm now back inside with a nice hot Lemon Barley!

well smudge this'll cheer you up no end. Here it is sunny, sunny, sunny, no coat or jacket needed outside.

Washing blowing in light breeze. Ah nice!!!

Afternoon all and hello Pixi good to have you with us. I just nip in now and again.

Been into the City this am.but tooooo cold to stay long.Wasn't long before I was back having a nice warming cup of coffee by the fire.

Nice to seeyou Smudge keep you chin up.I couldn't be bothered with gardening. It's not my favourite occupation even though I have to do it cos nobody else will! So you've done more than me this am.

What's with all these nightmares Robinia you not eating cheese the last thing at night are you? That always does me, all sorts of vivid dreams and disturbed nights if I eat it last thing.

hello all, been to work today, so couldn't post this morning. Its FREEZING here in hampshire. Got a good chunk of cleaning done yesterday, trouble is it makes the rest of the house look worse. Welcome to pixi and glad to have smudge back again even if only briefly. One of the folk who I was with today had just got over d and v .....I sat a long way away from her....come to think of it, so did everyone else....

anyway, pass this around to warm you up


Hi all
Ffffreeezing in Norfolk and dull and foggy.The foghorn is blowing away merrily.. Bung that whisky bottle over here Vinny ! I shouldn't be talking to you really after leaving me at the bus stop like that !!
Nice to see you Smudge and hello Pixi..left you a message on your thread.
This weather gives the me the incentive to do absolutely nothing..let alone spring cleaning and gardening..Woofie and Smudge are both very brave !!
I did fill up the bird feeders this morning though otherwise I get the evil eye from the sparrows.
I see we have a new thing on our profiles.I hope it's not obligatory to fill it in.
Well have a good day folks and may be back later if the computer hog doesn't appear !!

Had to laugh at your answer in H&M Woofgang !!
I did think about answering them ..but thought if I can Google so can they !
removes headscarf......alright stop laughing, yes neti you can call it karma if it makes you feel good. I just fancied being curly today ok??! It'll drop out, it's not a Twink. I had to wash it four times to get that mud out after neti had finished taking her revenge - we attracted quite a crowd tho'. Could be a good little earner that neti......

smudge - you must be mad going out into the garden - my fingers nearly dropped off just feeding the birds this morning.

I'm all of a tizzy 'cos my son's just phoned to say that the baby his wife is due to have in June is going to be a boy!!!!!! A little Willy!!!!!!! (that's not me being rude - we all like the name William, but nothing is decided) For those who don't know they already have two girls (one from daughter in law's previous relationship) so we are all thrilled to have a boy now. Fingers crossed that all will be well.

helloo to Jude, shaneystar and woofy too.....has gessoo got any sherry anywhere do you think...?
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Freezing!!!!! I think this must be the coldest, drabbest day of winter yet.


Robinia, I vote that for our next move we go here.


So we will have to find one of Neti's postings to take over. I hope you and Neti will have made peace by then!

Peace and love

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Here you go, Robbie.................


Found this at the back of Pedro's stable. (Pedro being the donkey) There was a loud snoring noise coming from behind a straw bale in the stable, and a faint whiff of brussel sprouts and alcohol.................... I didn't investigate!!!!!

Excuse me gessoo I may be in celebratory mood but I'm not that delerious hahaha.... the mud wrestling was bad enough....
oh but the sherry will go down very well thank you.....
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.................... and then perhaps we can all go on to Shaneystar's!


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I am meant to be cleaning out the cat litter (which involves a trip outside). It's must nicer in here with my heated chair talking to you lot, but off I go.............................................
lovely, I haven't been on a pier for ages - I think I've been banned from most of them...well, it's the combination of all that fresh air and winkles.

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