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gessoo | 18:07 Fri 16th Dec 2005 | Site Suggestions
515 Answers
It might be a good idea, Ed if at the top of the Chatterbank questions there is a note from you explaining the situation in a pink box so that people are not left wondering what on earth has happened.


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Neti I lost one in between my two, thought I would never have another but eventually I did thank goodness. It must have been very hard for you. I bet you're a lovely Mum.

Oh jude it's the same old story I could handle any child in the school but have completely lost it with my own. I think I spoiled her, and living on this hedonistic island doesn't help. She is driving me crazy. Sometimes I just want to get on here and pour my heart out, but pride prevents it. I love her sooo much.

Neti Sorry to upset you didn't mean to.

for Neti

Jude sweetheart - I'm not upset. it's only my child that can rile me!!! Don't worry. but thanks for the lovely smile. I'm fairly philosopical(!) about life and usually just drift on and over my troubles. Pink tinted spectacles comes to mind, I was fine until I lost my Kalms, still can't find them. runs screaming from the room he he

neti on a good day


Now let's get on and party..........................

was thinking more along this line..............

jude and neti

Hey Neti where has everybody else gone I wonder! Hope we've not scared them off with all this party talk. I thought Vinny would have been along with his Becks.
I think that's enough wishful thinking and time for my horlicks and cod liver oil (Oh yes I have to look after my joints).
staggering in wearing red stilettos - ok I'm ready....oh dear too late for the ball as usual......
Hi Robinia I've calmed down now thank goodness. Can't stand the pace. Had my Horlicks and feeling sort of sleepy zzzzz
Oh you are all so sweet !
Children can be a problem and the older they get the more worry they seem to give you.My youngest son is 25 and half lives at home and half lives with a girl in Norwich and has another girl on the go in London ! He is a dirty stop out !!! (My own Mums words coming home to roost when I used to creep in at all hours.)He is out all day at work driving and I worry myself sick about it.I ask him to phone if he is not coming home and he does but only late in the evening after i have spent a couple of hours worrygutting if he is O.K.
He dumps his dirty washing here has a good feed,hogs the computer and then disappears again ! He is a lovely good natured boy though.Sort of happy go lucky.
My eldest who is 29 lives in Germany with his girlfriend. He works in her parents business which is light engineering.Much more serious and sensible.

Hey ho..I suppose I might get some grandchildren one of these days!!
As a substitute I have four lovely great nephews who live nearby ranging in age from 13 to 5 although a few hours of them and I am a nervous wreck !!
I had email from my brother in Oz last week and they have just had a new grandchild Tia thats another niece.This is my eldest brother who has eight children and numerous grand and great grand children.They sent a picture and she is gorgeous with a lovely head of jet black hair.
Robinia do you want to borrow the leopardskin leggings - they'll look rather snazzy with red stilletos, and backcomb the old tight perm into a beehive, you'll look rather fetching I think.
Yeah shaneystar it's this worrygutting thing that gets me down. I worrygut when she won't get up, then I worrygut cos she's out, it's non-stop worrygutting.

umm ahem Robinia????

joy to the world?

i know what you mean Neti..since my son left school he has been a complete headache.Out clubbing and drinking when we lived in London. When we moved up here he left his job and it took him ages to get another one.Then of course he discovered Norwich had just as a good a night life as London so of we went again.Still he is no trouble really's just this constant worry that he will have an accident in the ruddy lorry or get mouthy in a nightclub and come off worse.I wish he would choose between these girls and settle down !!
shaney let's arrange a marriage????

Have to go, I think this computer is a female teenager as it's beggaring about all over the place, have to keep reporting errors to Microsoft, as if they care!!! Love to you all and your grandbabies. nitey nite.


Ooooh kids eh? I wept, screamed & shouted over mine when they were in their teens and finally I came out the other side with smashing young men. Sometimes I look at them & think they can't be mine. I had criticism from my ex's family for the way I did things, maybe I was a bit strict, but it worked for us & it's a good feeling now I see them happy, healthy & doing well.

we'll ask gessoo to put a punchbag up so you can let off steam neti. Thanks for the leggings - I look fab.

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