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You Can't Be Too Careful.

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1581960 | 15:41 Tue 09th Jul 2024 | Spam & Scams
8 Answers

Received an email from the bank today with a warnng about scams, this is a small but very alarming section.

"Remember, anyone can get scammed

over 19 million people in the UK fell victim to scams last year*

victims lose around £1,700 on average

anyone can get scammed – regardless of age, education or background

if in doubt, stop, think, and end the interaction if you need to."


That seems absolutely amazing to me but I suppose there must be some substance in it. Frightening but worth keeping in mind.



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I laugh at people who state they can never be scammed. 

Yep anyone can be scammed, there are some very clever scammers out there. We always used to say: "you can't con and honest man" - sadly that is no longer the case.

I really believed that, TTT, when people were ripped with shoddy goods believing they had 'fell off the back of a lorry'; or wanted something doing for next to nowt, no receipt and ended up with half a job.

It's different now.  Too many honest people are also trusting, not good.

Was it from a scammer wanting you to believe it was your bank ?

17:39 yes honest people are scammed all the time. Usually because they are clueless about how things work with IT/banks etc. In the old days a con man relied on the inherent dishonesty of the mark.

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Thanks for the link corby, I thought there must be some substance in it and there obviously is.

I'm sure it was from the bank Old_Geezer, just info and a warning. No questions, no follow up.

Someone I know quite well was one of the 19m and I was amazed he had been hoodwinked. That was a lesson to me and I've been extra wary ever since but fortunately I've not been targeted.

I get regular emails and messages from my banks warning about the latest scams, what to look out for etc.  

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