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Surely A New All-Time Low

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douglas9401 | 05:33 Thu 29th Aug 2024 | News
16 Answers

If this doesn't trigger a real response then just set out the terms of surrender.



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''Our thoughts are with the family'' What gratuitously meaningless platitudes. 

I wonder why there is little information on this, like about the subjects and why they did it?


Humanity leaping backwards.

We'll all be living like cavemen in a few years time.

Sorry, I mean cavepeople 😉

//I wonder why there is little information on this, like about the subjects and why they did it?//

Probably protecting their human rights. 🙄

Absolutely despicable : (

This has shocked me today.

Yesterday I was shocked by this attack on a baby

What will tomorrow bring?

This terrible event shows the constantly lowering of the countries morals and the article shows the constantly lowering standards of the BBC's writers.

What do you see as a "real response", Douglas?

//the article shows the constantly lowering standards of the BBC's writers.//

But lots of different reports say (or leave out) almost exactly the same thing. Are they afraid of triggering some sort of public reaction I wonder?

I suppose to someone who's mind says to kill, maim, etc. being in a wheelchair doesn't change the compulsion to attack. One has to wonder why two suspects would jointly chose that victim though. It suggests a specific motive that has yet to be revealed.


Yes OG, I did wonder if it was drug related.

Or, could be they robbed him.

And that is why Plod should release something asap because the country is a tinderbox (as plod have seen) and keeping quiet leads to speculation.

post & packing?

It's hard to believe that this has happened. How do we come back to the standards most of us grew up with is an urgent matter for high and lower and low level debate.  A National emergency really.

This is the man that my answer  on the Capital Punishment thread was about. Why it hasn't been mentioned on theTV news yet  I really don't know. It's horrific. 

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Surely A New All-Time Low

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