Physics And Gravity in The AnswerBank: Science
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Physics And Gravity

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bednobs | 08:16 Mon 02nd Sep 2024 | Science
18 Answers

apart from the vomit comet, is there any way fo experiencing weightlessness on earth?  if not, Will science ever help us find a way?  or is it just a constant that can never be overcome?

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Yes. Jump off somewhere high, like a cliff.

yes, skydiving, well not actually on earth I suppose.

Weightlessness in space is just continuous freefall.

skydiving isn't really weightless because you can feel the upward thrust from the air resistance.

Question Author

i was thinking more of a chamber whereby you could seal it and remove gravity.  Or is that just impossible

I try my best to remove gravity from any given situation. 😐

If you can invent that I reckon you're on your way to being a billionaire, and a Nobel prize maybe.

That's one of the holy grails of physics, to control gravity. The gravity equivalent of the Higgs Boson is the graviton, theorised but not detected. The stuff of Sci Fi currently, if you can control the graviton you can create gravity and/or remove it at will. The only ways we have to simulate gravity or lack of it are things like acceleration or freefall respectively.

You seem to be looking for a bednobs cage - a Faraday-type cage for gravity.

On a point of pedantry, there can only ever be one Holy Grail.

wow that would make you rich nobs! A bednobs cage! Love it!

Question Author

^^^ so choose wisely 

09:34 that's in your universe doug. In the multiverse we have an infinite amount of both holy and unholy grails.

That must take some organising, something like Grailtrack maybe?

This zero gravity massage-chair seems a bargain at less than £1,000.


Amazon.co.uk User Recommendationref=sr_1_2_sspa?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.3o8OF7rRDsYM5nVpkvhq2RUQggC0rUUecW-6JLfbXCmpSn9xzzC-c3vCjUBvPrhc01leumn8InwqVibYamuYx_zEpMASKnXwSOsM7t99hywJ2GFzUo3HmrbqzSWuL1fAnyW_kC6hGtDSWubXLpW6hqcLaZw1GQBSji9JwXsl20iTq4uPSTQZyPEV5jflkbufrIOnkQ-cV5fdQgn-RR5rlH8JlRxkvit1e2m4ulHDZeU.hle_0htmoCzjRd43SsMnFraD48qAQTVJS94Z6AWtZZc&dib_tag=se&keywords=zero+gravity+massage+chair&qid=1725276135&sr=8-2-spons&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9hdGY&psc=1&smid=A2YB3TOP0MC3X9

Water you talking about.

Suspended in a fluid of the same specific gravity as your body will render you weightless.

While technologically unachievable and therefore impossible, a fast train traveling at 17,000 mph would make the passengers feel weightless, as they would be in low earth orbit.

14:18 that's the ISS me old china.

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