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Has There Ever Been An Avatar As Hideous As...

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sandyRoe | 14:47 Sun 08th Sep 2024 | ChatterBank
104 Answers

...the one currently on display here on AB?

No mods about?



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Do you mean the avatar that is next to your name, sandyRoe?

Question Author

No.  I mean the one that depicts a hanged member of UKIP.

Question Author

The image of my little rescued cat is as nice as any here.

-- answer removed --

I believe it's the UK that's hanging, Sandy, not UKIP.

Question Author

With UK on one side of the unfortunates jumper I was sure IP would be in the other.

My mistake.

Yep, the death of the uk

I haven't seen the avatar of a hanged member of UKIP. Could you show it here, or point me in the right direction?

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Look at posts by T3

Ah! I've just seen it! It's ToraToraTora's avatar! Well, I would rather see something more innocuous, I must say.

14:51 where is that?

Yes as much as I loved B00, that fish avatar were worse.

You never see what's hidden in his pants !

Maybe that's what he's looking at for his final decision.

15:07 Can't be mine, nothing to do with UKIP. Mine represents what Labour are doing to our nation.

Get rid of that vile avatar

I think kittie is thweet

T3 avatar was a red  ring around a bottle and glass

I note the mods ( I love them, einsteins without the maff I call them) have started slashing at this thread rather than at  the disliked avatar

what happened to free speech ?

I think it is OK - thanks T3

if you want it changed, say it is an - "a la lanterne 1793 " avatar. no one will know what the hell you mean - but the general un-mimsiness rule comes in useful here

The power to shock T3 - great isnt it?

Another bitter Tory upset at their wholehearted rejection by the nation.

It's extremely insensitive, but TTT is not known for his sensitivity.  As long as he can make his point, that's fine. 

This sort of thing is best ignored and not given any attention.

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