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Why Has Webuyanycar Taken Off Half The Price I Was Quoted

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Treacle71 | 09:13 Thu 12th Sep 2024 | Motoring
42 Answers

I'm looking to sell my 17 yo car.  When I got a quote from webuyanycar online they quoted £600, but when I took the car to them in person, they said £300.  Why the half price knock down?



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See how much a scrappy will give you
15:40 Thu 12th Sep 2024

That's the difference between Marketing and Reality (you will find their "reason" in the small print supporting the offer).

I don't know, I haven't seen your car nor know anything about it.

This is a typical tactic of that company.  They offer you a price that you think is acceptable then 'lure' to their 'office' to complete the transaction.   I have never heard of anyone being offered more but often hear of people being offered substantially less.  The company relies on you feeling pressured to accept because you need the money as soon as possible  and because you have taken the time and trouble to get there.

Did you ask him why he knocked £300 off?  Did he mention paintwork, dings, chips, fraying seats etc?

And then you are clobbered with their admin fee

They will (almost) always knock you down when they see the car - I wouldn't expect them to rely wholly on the sellers assessment of its condition.

At £600/300 it's a scrapper anyway.

There website says the value is based on assumptions of mileage, length of MOT, how many previous owners etc.  

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Thank you very much people xx

This is what they do.  And be careful, just because they offered you £ 300 today doesn't mean they will offer you £ 300 tomorrow.  They will cut it down again if and when you go back.

See how much a scrappy will give you

What do they do with the bangers they buy ?

Don't think I could trust that! £300 - £600 for my RAV4 that Autotrader value at £4000+.

Not that I would sell at £4000!

I think they sell them at auction?

I sold my Qashqai with WBACAR - it had a gearbox problem. Was fixed up & sold on Autotrader a couple of months later.

I can't be hassled with cars - if it's unreliable/has problems it has to go. A 2nd hand car dealer can afford to keep it for a couple of months / fix it up and sell it on at a profit.

You could look at it another way. They knocked off £300 which is probably what they often try to knock off claiming the tyres are not great, some scratches and dents the seller hadn't mentioned, brakes worn more than they expected- that sort of thing. 

Bazille, depends on on the age, model, condition of the car.

They are sold to independent dealers, car supermarkets, auctions and scrapyards.

Who offered £300-£600? The scrapyard? You wouldn't send a halfway decent car to a scrappy 

//You wouldn't send a halfway decent car to a scrappy //

Cop shows say that lots of seized cars get crushed - some of them look pretty decent.

Reclaimers say there's not much of a market for used spares these days. People go for garage repairs instead of DIY.

Webuyanycar are owned by the biggest auction group in the UK, BCA.  They push everything they get through the auctions.

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Just wanted to thank you all for taking the time and trouble to reply xx

Not quite true Spungle. 

The good stuff will go to another company they own, Cinch.

Treacle, it's part of Webuyanycar's way of operating.

They make you an offer. When you get there the agent will be very friendly but be apologetic that the condition means they can't offer that much. What people don't realise is that the agent gets commission on the amount he knocks off it. 

A significant number of people take the lower offer.

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