Brexit Is Back In The News. in The AnswerBank: News
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Brexit Is Back In The News.

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gulliver1 | 09:35 Wed 25th Sep 2024 | News
19 Answers

Is Brexit quietly making a comeback nearly five years after Johnson declared it was all over and done with.Eu officials are attending a gathering in force with representatives from Germany.France and other key European Countries all eager to learn about Sir Keir Starmers Brexir Re/set plans to strike new deals on Security and trade.Looks like The UK could be back in the EU sooner  than Most abers think.Hope so



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Brussels is willing to allow 18-30 year olds to go and live in the UK Under a youth migration deal  with the new UK Labour Govt.This could give Starmer a negotiating win that will help him get The UK back into the EU.

//Brussels is willing to allow 18-30 year olds to go and live in the UK//


Marvellous news!  They'll send all their boat people.  Rejoice!

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Labours new proposals to the EU are deals in security and defence a  veterinary agreement to ease cross border trade in food and farming products and a move to ease more post brexit restrictions . Looks like Starmer is going for it ..Well done.

If Starmer thinks that is the concession that the EU he is a bigger fool than I thought he was.  I wouldn't trust this man to run a one ticket raffle.

that the EU would demand

That idiot, Nigel Farage said that we would reduce immigration by leaving the EU – and look what happened to immigration numbers after we voted to leave the EU.


And Brexiteers complain when I point out how stupid they were/are to believe the likes of Farage, Johnson, Gove etc.


Now that idiot wants us to leave the ECHR, claiming it will allow us to reduce immigration (without explain how) – and people still listen to this idiot.

"That idiot, Nigel Farage said that we would reduce immigration by leaving the EU..."

I think he said we could (not necessarily would) control immigration from the EU (which was all but impossible whilst we were EU members). If he did say that the was correct.

But I wouldn't know for sure because, as you are aware, I do not base where I put my cross on ballot papers or referendum forms on anything politicians tells me. Anybody who does is foolish.

Brexit itself is done with. Any existing issues is down to post-Brexit agreements; which had to be lacking at the start to get EU agreement to proceed, and which has yet to be fixed since.


The idiotic idea of rejoining looks to be a non-starter. But no one should dismiss the possibility of Starmer trying for a change to Brino.


In any case the EU demands for allowing younger folk free entry is unacceptable. They can apply for a visa for anything more than a vacation, just like everywhere else.


In any case the EU is cracking as can be seen by the number of it's members trying to demand an opt out to the EU migration policy. But it's their own fault for joining a federal control in the first place.


I doubt the stubborn lot running the EU will understand that trade & security benefits all, and that free movement of people is just a risk factor. Just as long as they can remain contrary & obstructive they'll be happy.  So I'm not holding my breath for any reasonable agreement there.

Sad that gulliver can't find anything good about the new government to regale us with so he's morphing into Hymie! PMSL! Regarding the OP I think I'll let supertramp deal with that....

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Hymie 11.33 have to agree with you. GOAS Farage , Haystack head Johnson and Gormless Gove are a bunch of idiots. First Class

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Now that the Tories have been beaten to pulp ,it's time to really get prepared for the referendum that will take the Uk back into the EU with a tremendous Majority vote to rejoin ..Go for it Keir.

Allowing free movement of 18-30 year olds is an excellent idea (most of whom never had the chance to vote in the Brexit referendum, which so negatively impacted their future) – maybe the age limit could be incremented each year, until all UK citizens enjoy free movement within the EU.

Hymie, why do you want potentially thousands upon thousands more to come here?  Our housing, schools, medical facilities, etc.,  are groaning under the strain now.  

In the second quarter of 2024, Spain's youth unemployment rate was 26.4%. In April 2023, Spain had the highest youth unemployment rate in Europe at 27.9%

Being in the EU is good for the Spanish youth

If you read the article in the link below you will understand why Brexit has resulted in an increase in immigration numbers to the UK.


The second paragraph of which will be of interest to NJ, which reads:-


We have to, in this campaign, make people understand that EU membership and uncontrolled immigration are synonymous with each other, declared UKIP leader Nigel Farage on 29 April 2016.


Brexiteers must be thinking, if only we’d remained within the EU and controlled immigration.



Hymie, you're being ridiculous.

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15.30 "Hymie, you're being ridiculous" And so was Boris Johnson when he said Brexit will let us take back control of our own Borders .What a pillock.And you believed him .

But we have taken control of our borders. The issue is government choosing not doing what is necessary to seal them. Plus, of course, nearby nations not taking up their moral responsibilities and preventing illegals going to sea in unworthy craft, because they are happy to see the back of them.

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