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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 23:23 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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I wonder how many degrees they needed to come up with that gem jno .... minus 5 maybe.

Vinny - Birds is a special Biddy know things that old ladies need's especially busy on Thursdays (pension day) - the aroma of tcp & mothballs fair knocks you back.

neti - look at this!!! stop going on about sunshine & warmth (view from my window today as I sit here in me tartan blanket)


sorry Jude didn't mean to miss you out! help me throw snowballs at neti......

oooh er.... I made that piccy too small - I don't live in a model village....must practise more, it's a big leap from a box brownie to digital.

Great The snow is thawing off my car and it's stopped. Snowing I mean not my car doh!!

Talking about Ann Summers Vinny I have a friend who is manager of one of her shops and when I go in to see her I always looked around to make sure nobody I know sees me go in!!! (Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking to it) No really it's true. It's right in the main street in Derby.
You've got a lovely garden Robinia you wouldn't like to re-design mine for me would you! :o)

afternoon all - anyone snowed in? yes, yes we know's 80 in the shade there......

Jude if you want to get a couple of hunks to do the work I'll be only too happy to tell them what to do.

Hello all
No snow here today but freezing cold .It's all right for Neti swanning around in her bikini while we are still in libby bodices !
Hope you are all having a nice Sunday.
Just seen Vinny hanging around Ann Summers 162.JPG

0h.....and a special hello to Dolly ..and thanks for the back up on the swearing thread !!

Here you go biddys,pull the chair up..and warm your hands....


anybody got any chestnuts we could throw on..!!anybody want to do there own jukebox....enjoy(:)


hi shaney - what have you been up to? ....rattles swear box......mmm seems to be filling up....

Vinny there's not much gliddy gloob glooby on that jukebox - I'm just playing Herd's From the Underwear very loudly - it helps me forget .....not sure what so it must be working.... have to put yer own gliddy gloob glooby music on the gonna have a go during the week...Did I tell you were all Hollywood stars....hehe











Well your all Stars to me...( :)please send vinny at the biddyhome...hehe..!

cool, I knew my time would come. Anyone passing by CLEAN YOUR BOOTS.

oooh lovely Vinny thanks - I think me & Jude should have ours put outside Birds.

btw I forgot - I bought you something yesterday...ready?

turning you on

That's Brill Vinny How do I save it in my pictures or is that too complicated for me?:o)
Are you all watching Midsomer Murders? I'd love to know where the seaside place he's visiting is! It looks like your corner of the world Vinny!
Jude... right-click on the picture and you should get 'save picture as...' as one of the options. Click on it and you should get a prompt for where to save it to; put it in your My Pictures folder or whatever.
Thanks Jno!
Just snivelled my way through The Royal ....corny but I love it and Midsomer Murders ..only one murder tonight ..and I had bet on at least six !!
Thanks for my star Vinny.....xx
Goodnight all.

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Hen or chicken

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