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Hen or chicken

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netibiza | 23:23 Wed 08th Mar 2006 | Site Suggestions
503 Answers
Not a q or suggestion, but would just like to say how proud I am that one of my q's has ended up on the current question list for all to see. Thanks Ed. No replies needed.


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Warmed up now!!!

Sorry to hear you still feel under the weather Woofy. What we all need now is some nice warm sunshine to make us feel better. I have been to the physio today and she has given me some good back exercises to strengthen the muscles and realign what went haywire when I had my accident!!

Have to start work shortly. Didn't do much last week due to shingles and generally feeling rotten. Must admit I do feel better this week. Have now managed to lose the weight I put on due to two months inactivity, plus a little more :o). Only another 10 stone to go!!!! (exaggeration perhaps).

gessoo feeling chilly

morning folks, how are we all. I have decided to stop whining and say I feel better and see if that helps.

Found a nice pic of a biddyshack to cheer us all up!

quiet in here... too quiet

<tumbleweed blows through>

Where did all the chickens go? Not to mention the biddies

oooh happiness is a warm bra & bloomers - cooked them on the radiator while I ran around in the shower (only way to get wet) this morning. Actually happiness would be a warm sunny day which it isn't.

morning woofy - that's right, think positive

where's Vinny? he's probably been upsetting some posh woman again & she's got him locked under the stairs.

Morning all hope all's well with everybody. Love the pic Robinia. Wont be around much today as I have a friend coming over from Burton. She used to live next door to me and we're going out for lunch!. They said on Radio Derby that the weather was going to brighten up but there's no sign of it yet!

Get well soon Woofy.

Morning all.

I can't get into either jno's or Woofie's links!!!

I decided to think positive yesterday and actually did have a much better day. Not sure about today yet - far too early to even think!!!

Nice picture for you all

Not long now!

Ha ha, Jude!

Lovely Gessoo A breath of Spring!

Morning Biddys...its been a busy couple of mate phoned me sunday night....said he wanted to build a patio..monday got stuck into it all day yesterday..said his misses had run of to australia...and he was gonna put the house up for sale..well what are mates for...(cant quite work out why he wanted to make the patio look like it had been laid for a few years..??)he's a strange bloke, sometimes its best not to ask..!Just got a call from the manageress of superdrug...said did I remember the conversation we had saturday the pub..about taking over the early morning cleaning..(nope)yes i said.So I start next week...doh..!bloody Becks...hehe...(:)

Beware Vinny. They're out to get you!!!


morning all!

it had better brighten up in the next half hour Jude cos I've got to go out.
gessoo - we'll be lucky to see the bluebells by our birthdays at this rate.

Vinny do you remember inviting us all down to yours for the spring bank holiday? oh good - we're looking forward to it. My sister was going to be coming to Saunton sands 2nd week in May but her sons got some exam right in the middle so they've had to postpone.

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What are you all on about? It's a lovely springlike day here, very warm and sunny. No coat or jacket needed. All I want is snow. Even disgarded me ole winter pj's last night and put on thinner ones.

Busy packing now, Robinia. Now what should I take? Start with these :o)


well neti I've one thing to say to you but


good idea gessoo - he couldn't possibly turn us away with those :-)

right, time to go - should have a fistful of hrt when I get back so brace yourself Vincent!!

and from me Neti

Contains Strong Language

Sorry Ed!

hey...?um...just check me lets see..oh no..ive got a carpet cleaning contract at this hotel in Derby that week


mind you...! me mates coming with me(he who builds patios)perhaps we could stay at your pad...dinner and breakfast included..and we could build you a patio for free...hehe....!..we could sit together and i could watch some blue tits....erm...out of yer..window.

Btw..I enjoyed reading your post in Aand N..(:)

Gessoo...she's gone all blue...!!hehe..(:)hrt??what sort of lager is that..??

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Hen or chicken

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