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funkymoped | 16:44 Mon 24th Apr 2006 | Site Suggestions
7 Answers

it seems that having the ABed join in a thread is a good thing !

people have respect for you. they want to know more about you. so why dont you enter into more threads ?

let ya hair down girl. you know the thread im talking about. but PLEASE dont pull the plug on us... ta !



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AB ed should join in....i'm amazed she isnt as addicted as the rest of us!! lol
I'm surprised that we don't see her cowering in a corner of Body & Soul every Monday.....
Lovely Mrs Ed.......we have a thread going in P&P...Im sure u have noticed...we wud love you to visit it before it hits the millenium....maybe even take tthe millenium post yourself.

We expect the thread will probably be pulled after the millenium coz it will be causing a system meltdown.

But your appearance would a fitting end to it.

nice words from the punters? surely you jest. actually, i took a leap off the Biddyboat earlier today!  
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so are you going to pop in and have a drink with us ?

we dont mind, honest ! ;-)

Hi Ed - please join us - we get so excited when we see pink appear! xxxx
Mrs Ed...we broke the millenium in P&P...about Jen & wud be most welcome to join us for a glass of champaign

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