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Robinia | 17:48 Tue 30th May 2006 | Site Suggestions
559 Answers
I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.


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oh you sneaked in behind me shaney it's going to be hot, hot, hot all week by the looks of it......

....what's the betting I fall asleep before poirot finishes?
night x
Morning Biddies everywhere. Up bright and early today, washing out and just having a nice cup of tea to get me going. A good storm in the night cleared the air, I think it's going to be another hot one today. I think bit of retail therapy is on the menu, I have to take a top back to Next which is coming unstitched - I think a replacement is call for. ( I did a lof of thinking there didn't I?!) :o)
A LOT even!!!
Morning all....another lovely day here by the look of things ...been out with old Shaney already before it gets too hot although he will insist on puffing round the park later on again.!
We didn't get any storms here although there was a nice breeze all night .We face the sea so we do get to cool down !

I see in the paper that a man was seen streaking on Woolacombe beach...the police say they have found a half eaten 99 and lettuce leaf in the vicinity...they are still investigating.
(�) Morning wasnt me gov...honest...!!.lighting most of the night close....cloudy at the fans been going allnight..trouble is it sounds like a second world war plane..
Wakey Wakey...robinia.....he he.............>>>>>>whoosh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Morning biddies, gosh it's sooo hot here. One lot of visitors has left and another has arrived, so won't be on probably for a while. Had a lovely quiet Sunday with Mr N, just being on our own and lunching on the other side of the island. Shame about Spain, England and Brazil losing out, they were my tops bets, am not bov vered now.

Must away to meet new visitors

I'll be baccckkkkk.........................
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morning all - crikey what happened here? all present before 8am?

storm Jude? I could see it in the distance when I went to bed but it wasn't over my road, very strange....I did sleep well for the first time since last thursday night....had a very interesting dream ....mmm

haha Vinny my fan's gone all noisy too - knew I should have bought another one, I bet they're all sold out now. It's good job we have our own resident wind machine here.....

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neti it sounds like you need some staff......
we're on our way

Good morning to all you brown-skinned beauties ,I just knew I should have made my trip in July ! Well enjoy it while you,ve got it .My M/cr .daughter said it was 30 degrees yesterday ,are your shops air-conditioned ? That's where all the people who haven't got it go in Summer here ! Thankfully we have (otherwise I would melt ).Yes Robinia sorry to say I did get carried away in WC , I'm not partial to folk who knock England ! LOL Robinia sometmes I feel like I was born in 1908 but no my Birthday is August 13th and I was born on a lovely sunny Sunday ,so normally I'm bonny and blithe and good and gay ( oh dear I mean happy ).My mother didn't always agree with me on that !!!! Anyway you lucky lot keep enjoying your lovely warm weather .July is our coldest month but Spring will be on Sept. 1st .so only 8 weeks to go . Bye for now . By the way Jude I nearly cried when I saw David (Beckham) resigning as Englands Captain ,very sad . xxxxx
Isn't David Beckham gorgeous looking? No no I don't fancy him that would be disgusting. He is sooo sweet. England Team won't be the same now, I personally think Rooney needs a good smack from his mum acting like that in public. Also I love Crouch, so ungainly. Here endeth neti's opinions for the day.
Hello Neti Shaney Vinny Robinia and Dolly Well I'm back from my retail therapy, bought another handbag from Next and another top from Per Una, just cant keep out of there.
Oh Robinia we cant be that far away from each other, it must have just been lightening I saw come to think of it I didn't hear much thunder.
It was sad to see Beckham go as Captain Dolly I thought he was quite dignified in the way he did it. I think they should give it to Gerrard now!
Neti I've just had a text saying my son and girlfriend have just landed after 2 weks in Santa Eulalia, I expect I'll be hearing all about it soon - (with tea towel)!
Im just loving the I▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ﻝ its better than golf 
mind you,I like curling ﭢ. But none of them can match a good ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫singsong oh well,better go and water me bushes.♣ the suns really Hot out there.. �Help this is � protected...HEHE (*_*)
Them numbers are tennis bats.....hahahaha....bloody puttas(:-)crawls off to get a cold drink>a slow whoosh>>>
Well Vinny at least it's keeping you out of mischief on Woolacombe beach !!
My niece works at Next Jude....we all get a discount !
I bought a lovely dinner set in there a while ago .
It's getting hotter by the minute here...I shall be down to me vest soon !
Nice to see you Neti...I felt sorry for Beckham too ..although not a football fan .That Rooney is like a spoilt child.
Oooh I forgot to wave to Dolly ...Yooohooo !
How's that cuckooo Robinia?
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afternoon all - pheweeeee it's so hot today.
Hi Dolly, I hope our 'postman' has made a note of your birthday!

shaney I'll have to go out in me khakis & do my David Attenborough bit tomorrow & look for may take some time.

It's too hot to cook so I thought we all need to go out for tea to a greasy spoon.....this is a great site I've found - it'll keep you quiet for hours....mmm, won't have anyone to talk to then will I?
have a look at the 50's woman underwear (behave Vinny) - strewth, glad we don't have to wear that lot any more......erm, you don't do you?

what are you having?


Brill site Robinia....♥ (:-)
That's great Robinia..i have just been researching liberty bodices !
☺☺☺ Have awarded you three smileys !!
Brilliant Robinia I've been looking at the sections on Teddy Boys and Girls - just my era. And oh those shoes, but have you noticed they are in again today! Mind you I don't wear them anymore can't stand the pain!!! :o)

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