I assume we'll be having a category for Wimbledon then? We'd like strawberries & cream at knockdown prices, umbrellas, free face painting & Come on Tim flags to be supplied. Thank you in anticipation.
That never happens to me robinia<B/>....hahaha...right got to shoot off to the next job in saunton.....its sunny at the mo..(:-)catch you later dudes..!
hey - what happened to the last post from Sir Vinny the Bold - I was going to answer it... perhaps it had to be removed because the unbolding didn't work and it was going to infect other posts?
Oh dear....he's dropped his 99 right by the baseline .....the umpire is not very pleased ...he keeps shouting "Vinny....You cannot be serious ..the ball was in ! "
Hey Jude how is the tea towel? Is it a map of the island, or a recipe for paella. I've got one from Oz, and one from Eastbourne and one from Canada but not one from Sta Eulalia - I do actually get mine from Primark.
For Dolly
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