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Pet pics

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freak_unique | 15:52 Sun 21st Jan 2007 | Animals & Nature
19 Answers
Hey seeing as i am super bored i thought it might be interesting to see what other abers pets look like. I will start by posting piccies of mine!
Heres Bambam a lionhead cross 6 months old... hepillstofallasleep/Bambam1.jpg

And Luna a dwarf lop 2 months old... hepillstofallasleep/Luna3.jpg hepillstofallasleep/Luna1.jpg

And Dita my housemates netherland rabbit 2 months old... hepillstofallasleep/Dita.jpg

And jeremy the goldfish 4 years old haha... hepillstofallasleep/Jeremy.jpg


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Jeremy is very photogenic!!!! Aw the rabbits are beautiful and so cute.

I don't know how to put a photo on (I suppose I need a scanning thingy and I don't have one) sorry.

My cat Binnie is beautiful she's black and white with long hair and has a little white moustache and white feet and chest and the longest whiskers!!!!!

Thanks for your pics. xx

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Aw you need to get yourself a camera phone thats probably the easiest way to put piccies on other than a digicam!or a webcam but the quality is never that good!
Aw your cat sounds super cute!!!
Cheers for your comment! /ICAM0005.jpg

i hope that works.. thats Max, he sadly died just over a year ago though, he was a beautiful cat, and so friendly, i actually used to wrap him up in a blanket and carry him round like a baby in the house!! /ICAM0002_50-1.jpg

This is Kaiser.. who like water! he is just about a year and a half nearly, but still quite small. /ICAM0010.jpg

Sam who was Max's brother. he is about 10 now i think, he is very noisy and meows all the time, he's just insecure! /IMAG0003-2.jpg

Poppy who is Kaisers sister, she is still really small too, they are almost identical except she has a little white patch above her mouth!

i also have a hamster called seymour but i dont have a picture of him..

Aw they are all fabby pets. I wish I could get my cat on I'm working on it.

This is a great link I wish more people would look in animal section and they would post!!!

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Missjef - aw they are all so gorgeous and similar!!! You have some cool pet names! Did max die of old age if you dont mind me asking? :(
Your house and gardens look amazing!
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Athley - aw i really thought i would get slated for this post aswell ykno what some of the whinging ******* are like on here! Have you not got a camera phone or even a webcam to take piccies of your pets? x
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That was supposed to say bu99ers lol i didnt think that would be censored :s
To save me posting again [something I can only do with my son's help] heres a link to a pic of our latest addition. He's called Mouse and is a complete nutter!!!!! ure/Question348507.html
We are so thick we can't figure out how to do it with the camera phone - really sorry we will work on our PC and phone skills for future puddy tat pictures!!!!

I loved your post and its brill to see everyones pets.

No he didnt, we had to have him put down because he got a tumour in his mouth and it was just best for him as you could tell that he was suffering.

just had to post this because its cute! /ICAM0003_43-1.jpg

This is Indy, he is Kaiser & Poppy's brother, we orginally got just him & Kaiser, but he sadly died after just 2 days, we got him from a lady at the vets who had been given them by a farmer i think who had found them in a disused pipe so he became quite ill just after we got him then sadly died during the night. He was all black with just a little white tip, and the names short for indiana as in jones!
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divegirl - omg hes so adorable i want one!!!!!
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Missjef - aw im sorry to hear about Max and Indy... aw Indy has to be one of the cutest things i have ever seen!!!
Thank you freak_unique...I'll try and post some more.

missjef....So sorry to about your cats, but I love that pic...looks like a proper little devil!
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Divegirl - no worries yep post away if you have anymore piccies :)
I am waiting for the Cats Protection to find me an indoor cat that is brave enough to stay with me. I am getting really broody, more so after looking at all the bunny and pussy cat pictures.

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wolf63 - hehe theyre all gorgeous arent they?!! makes you wonder how anyone could ever be cruel to animals :(

Snappy - OMG a black lab?!!! I am in love with those dogs i eventually want a chocolate lab they are so beautiful!!!
Yep, i just lost my 14yr old bitch 3weeks ago but prob wont be long til a new pack addition comes along! I live for black labs!
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Aw sorry to hear you lost her :( always sad when that happens as they become part of the family dont they. Couple of years ago we lost out dog him, staffy bitch, she was 18 years old, she grew up with me i was only a year or 2 older than her :(

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