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efc | 23:25 Sat 17th Mar 2007 | Site Suggestions
47 Answers
There have been so many threads removed tonight for no reason at all that I think you should seriously consider removing the reporting buttons. The website should be monitored by someone with the authority to remove offensive threads when and if need be.

No doubt this will disappear as well!


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Well it looks like someone's been zapped again!!! It's gone very quiet from dots direction!
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I think someone's gonna post a last minute bid lol
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ROFL - shows how tired I am cos i posted that on the wrong question!!!!
I have registered on the cahtterbank siote to get to the bottom of why i am being zapped sinply because i spotted one of their team posting as sue de nym last nite have another hour and a half........
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You may well see some very strange postings in the next hour and half lol. Been up since 5 this morning and driven 450 miles today. Thats my excuse anyway and i'm sticking to it lol
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dot have you registered in disguise lol. I've never tried chatterbank, heard a lot about it though.
no efc i have registered as Dot lol
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Can you get zapped off chatterbank??
Cos if you can then that registration has probably already gone lol
I suppose you can, but they have no reason to zap me i am not going in there as an assumed id and being nasty to regular uisers who contribute alot to the siter, i will leave that to them, it is their level.
Dot, I have explained to you that Chatterbank is not the place to air your grievances about something that happened on here.

Chatterbank was not set up for that purpose.

You need to take up any issues you have on here, with the AB Ed ... The Chatterbank Admin cannot control what happens on Answerbank.

'efc' ... yes, you can be removed from Chatterbank, and no, Dot's new registration has not been removed.

Anybody is welcome to use Chatterbank in accordance with the Site Rules set up to protect it's Members.

Any further questions you have about Chatterbank, I will gladly answer over there ...

Thank You for your time Naz Nomad (Chatterbank Admin)
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If any of you want my msn its [email protected] cos I think this thread may be about to disappear lol
debs.....I'll add u...:)
naz had said he is sue de nym but i am not convinced in the slightest, sue de nym is a nasty acid tongued harpie
Why don't you get over yourself, you demented fućkiňg witćh?

Convinced yet, or do I have to spell it out for you?
Hey but Naz........why did you and your cliqe ban me......coz you see me as a friend of I got targated too.......explain that......
Oh...I should have said.......they banned me from AB.....not CB as I'm not a member.
I have emailed the AB Ed to request removal of both accounts.

I would appreciate it if everybody would email the AB Ed, just to remind her to do it.

I'm still waiting for a reply from 6 months ago.

Scouse~lass ... I have no control over the 'bots' on here, If someone has seen fit to ban you, then you need to take your grievances to the AB Ed. If you were banned because of your association with Dot, then I can only suggest one course of action for you, but I won't say it on here.

Have a nice existence ... and be happy with the friends life has dealt you ...Naz x
Naz I have contacted ABED........So what are you saying, because I'm a friend of Dot......whatever I post will be banned?........thats just plain stupid......... I've been an AB member for over 2 years..and nobody will bully me off this site......

Redbel ...aka....Bez

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