nowhere on this site does it say that posters can only reply with answers that they already have in their heads.
you have made this assumption and decided it is a rule. that is not your decision to make.
well i for one would prefer a link to a professional, up to date site, than a half-baked, barely literate attempt to explain a concept by someone who learnt about something from their great auntie edie 20 years ago, but weren't really listening properly at the time...
i agree many people are just lazy and can't bothered to look in a dictionary or something... it is a bit crap - but then the only answer they will get from me, and most others is 'look in a dictionary' - they will soon realise that it is their own time they are wasting, and go direct next time.
i know i certainly wouldn't waste my time researching some basic, simple and easily found piece of information just to save someone else the bother - especially when in the time they used up coming on here to ask the question, they could have found the answers themselves, and more.