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Is AB running very slow.....

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smudge | 21:06 Thu 21st Jun 2007 | Site Suggestions
42 Answers
or is it my pc?

Never known it to run quite as slow as this!


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Yes, I agree. It's painfully slow, and, as Dot says, the pages don't load properly either. Aaarrrrgggghhhh!!
The pages are bright white and my eyes hurt!x
I'm losing the will to live.
Is anyone else repeatedly getting kicked off AB and back to the sign in page? It is infuriating! and it is jumpy and slow and the colour is fading.
To damn right it is slow. My grass has grown a foot whilst I have been trying to answer. Must hop it!!
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Ha, ha, ha! I nearly spurted me Horlicks all over the keyboard reading some of these!

It's amazing - you always want something when it isn't there - speed!
you need to time your posts right when the wee egg timer does its thing you must wait then post when it stops
Yes Dot, yes!!!!! It's doing my head in!lol.x
what edd timer? i can't cook
it reminds me of the good old days on dial up and waiting for the nude picture to download!!! from the head down!!!!
don't spell too good either
The snails in my garden are faster.
And now my posts are disappearing into the ether.
Very slow and very jumpy.
Very annoying!
It`s playing havoc with my music on limewire, sounds like a fooking scratched record
considerably better now , fingers crossed . :-)
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Morning all - although not quite as bad as last night, it's still a bit sluggish on here!

Good job I've got lots to do today! ;o}
Seems OK now.
And a thumbs up from me too.
It gets slow in the evenings when more of us are on it. Either we need to carry out a cull of ABusers or the ED needs to get her purse out and buy a better server

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