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You Tube, Why?

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THECORBYLOON | 22:15 Thu 05th Jul 2007 | Site Suggestions
13 Answers
What benefits are there by having You Tube on here? Do you not think you are taking a huge risk with the possibility of inappropriate videos being posted? What safeguards are there?

Have you considered You Tube may not have the copyright holder's consent to broadcast the material in the first place? If so, will AB not be in breach also?



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i have been posting quite a few you tubes tonight fully expecting no one to look at them, i worry what will happen when the serial you tubers get a hold of this and inflict endless wedding photos type links for us all to love and marvel at
Oh I'm away now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
alias smith and jones
hello dot hawkes, how are we kepping eh? remember me, ive respawned!!!!
i sense a johnny depp soon dorothy
For TCL.......cheer up :)))))
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I believe YouTube is fairly strictly self-policing; users can report inappropriate content (much as they do on AB) and it will be hidden behind a firewall or deleted. As for copyright goes, companies spend a lot of time harassing YouTube to take down copyrighted content and as far as I know they comply. Presumably if this happens, the clip will be unplayable from AB.

I'm not saying I like it, mind. It's rather a pain in the eye.
Hear, hear, jno!
Corby, I'm sure the Ed and her team have thought about the possibility of inappropriate videos being posted on here. They will probably scrutinize youtube movies posted on here and delete the inappropriate ones.
God society- wonder which poor sod gets that job? All day checking other peoples idea of funny or cool you tube links. The mind boggles, hope their wage reflects the mind numbing task involved!
I was going to say the same thing BOO!
Well it's better now we can have the option of YouTube pic's in your face or just a link - I've gone for the link, although it's not that much different from copying & pasting your own link!
Have to agree with Jno and Smudge I'm afraid. See the post I'm about to make in this section......

PS> Hey Dotty, long time no speak. xxx

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