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Text speak

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johnlambert | 13:35 Thu 09th Aug 2007 | Site Suggestions
99 Answers
can we have something to filter this out please?


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If 46 is the new 25 den u shud have no problem wiv text lingo, and its not lazy its quicker 4 people who are in a rush because some of us dont have time 2 spend all day on da computer, but if it is hard 2 understand then im sure we dont do it on purpose it's just a habit people get into and may not realise they do it as much as they do
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I understand it glitzybabe, I just dont like it m8
That was a typo, should have read Deprived :(
Its not text speak,its annoying teenage speak who watch to much American teen drama.My 14 year old does it like all the time.
Heeya!!! lol if you think 46 the new 25 or whatever it was you said then surely you wouldn have a problem with text language, nd yup its me wiv da question who noone can understand it nd im proud of it :D
But putting ma sister is no quicker then putting my <b/> sister
i cant get hang of this it is no different than putting my<b/> sister
But putting ma sister is no quicker then putting my sister
Yer I dont understand nd yup its me wiv da
4get have you been drinking?????x
u wuldnt put my sister it wu ma sista so yeah i c where ur cumin from but if its summit long ur writin it is quicker
no thats what glitzgirl put katie, I just dont get it
btw to John do i know u cos i know sumone called john lambert where bouts u from, do ya live in england?
just curious cos i might know u nd dat wud b sooo kewl
Oh I get it the nd is short for and. Come on and isn�t that long a word, that�s just lazy
Kewl??????? What's the point of that????lol.x
i beg ur pardon ive been tryin 2 explain how it is quicker and i dont drink at all :P
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was melton now northampton, you?
Oh I don't know... I think depraved suits you but if you insist...

Deprived, derranged, drama queen.

(Try getting that in to a conversation).
lol youse r hilarious im tellin ya and as i sed b4 it's not lazy its just a habit some people get into and end up writin lyk it accidently
now this would kill me if you were actually mates with the queen of text lambert :-) That would be sooooooo kewl and pukka!!

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