smooth...., txt speak is ok in parts but in my case it got to the point where people were phoning me up asking 'what the h... is this txt supposed to mean?' which kind of defeated the purpose
Shorthand is nothing like text speak. Shorthand is fast, very fast and has a purpose. Please leave text speak for mobile phones. People will either ignore your questions or won't take them seriously if you use text speak on here - so please join in and use normal language and become one of the AB crowd.
woteva i honestly dont care at dis point of tym okay so just drop it ive apologised countless of tyms yet u choose to ignore dat nd tbh (that means To Be Honest btw oh nd dat means By The Way to those DIMWITS out there) okay i dont see why ur givin me such a hard tym over it all
i really am not dumb and i would prove it to you if i knew how to prove it....and the way you write doesnt determine if your dumb or not for all i know you could be the dumb one and you just go round looking for others to take your pain out on?!?
and also i only did that last night because i had just had a bad time okay so sorry but i don't see why you get sooo wound up about it all but it gives me and my mates a laugh thanks i needed a laugh an all love yas X*X*mwah*X*X
it is just disrespectful to other people, that's why people rant about it .... you expect people to put thought and time into answering your question, yet you yourself cannot put the thought and time into phrasing it so that it easy to read and understand for the majority of people likely to be reading it. Therfore instead of getting loads of ideas about your dilemma, you get loads of posts saying "i can't understand" and the like, which isn't helpful to you or the question answerers
nae bad hen, I'm looking forward to the weekend and relaxing with the family, practice some Kung-Fu on Saturday, church on Sunday, drinks with friends etc
you got plans?
Free Presbytarian,
popular in the highlands and islands, I had a friend in Edinburgh who was one and described them as the "taliban", she said it was because when she went to the church the Minister was preaching al the bad things that would happen if you didnt comply to the very strict rules, apparently everyone was going to burn in hell, even the regular church goers. She eventually came with us to the Church of Scotland
fair enough, erm i don't know what type of church its labelled as its not a free church or church of scotland, its called the new wine church - i think thats the website but its pretty much talking about the gift of the spirit with people speaking in tongues ect