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Abused and Gone

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Mr Veritas | 14:43 Mon 15th Dec 2008 | Site Suggestions
48 Answers
Due to the abuse he received (mainly from Dr Spock & Gormless) because he "dared" report someone(foley 1 for mulit overposting) he asked me to post this:~

He has now left AB for good,I tried to get himto stay but he wasn't having any.
So you won't be seeing in a pickle again.

I hope this makes sense,it doesn't to me


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Is this the same Doc who dropped me earlier?

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Are you the guy with the telephoto lens ???

foley1 has been banned/deleted.


Probably a kid studying History, wanted help with some interesting questions (how many people for example knew more than diddly-squat about the Rosenbergs?)

Gone now though, because it upset the sensibilities and outraged some people who think that asking questions on a Q&A site needs to be to their liking.

Anyway, the poster has gone now, and whatever else, has probably a bitter taste in the mouth about good old friendly Answerbank. It could have been your kid.
Thanks for the links BOO - just as I thought, more silliness.

Back to reality & making more space for Christmas! ;o}
Twenty-five posts and my name wasn't mentioned once.....nigh, never uttered................I'm gone: you'll be so sorry!
Come back Stewy, I still love you, you're fabby.
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too many people are quick to ridicule others on here, i get daft comments made when i bang on about being zapped, it';s because on this website people can be nastier than they would in the real world. they can hide behind an anonymous name and not worry about the flak
Cowards and Bullies you mean Dot.
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I missed it all again.
So In a Pickle has got his knickers in a twist. Whats it over this time?
Those that ridicule and make fun of others online docspoc.
Would they do it in 'real life' I wonder.
It wasn't directed at anyone in particular by the way!
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Yes, it's very nasty & immature to snigger about other people who don't deserve it, on or off Answerbank.

Not pointing my finger at anyone in particular, but if you you've done it in the past, you'll know who you are.....
Nobody can hold up their hands and say they have never posted anything nasty about anybody, on or off line, but some people try and cloak it with sarcasm and would deny it at all costs.

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