This is about the 5th time I';ve asked this but hey ho hopfully somone can sort it. I keep getting a time out when I go to "Threads I'm involved in" or "Questions I have answered". This is no doubt because I have over 6000 of these. Look just keep the running total and stop trying to retriieve them all! it ain't rocket science. That's why I haven't logged in for a while. The message starts: "Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server error '80040e31' "
Please new ED fix this, just retrieve my last 100 or something I only ever look back a couple of pages anyway!
yep same thing happens with mine, and i have changed to Firefox which seems to have stopped all the problems with the submit button.
I remember when they launched ABBeta the other year , that worked for a few weeks and then slowly fell apart, hope with all this effort, the AB2.0 is a better version