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baremission | 11:36 Mon 12th Jan 2009 | Site Suggestions
61 Answers
Can we get this disgusting, racist specimen removed and banned please.

Look at his revolting behaviour in this thread: ion/Jobs/Question684714.html


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I can't see what Johny5 has said to upset you so much.....

Has an answer already been deleted?
Can't see the issue myself.
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"Take the polish and slovakians we dont have a problem with them, Why? because like us we dont have stupid beliefs and religious...... i'm gonna stop before i say something i should'nt. "

another has been removed.
I would be offended if someone refused to shake my hand, especially if they wanted me to give them a job.

It's called a difference of opinion.....which is allowd on this site and does not make him vile.
But that is his opinion, baremission. He most certainly does not speak for the whole of the UK.

Personally, I'm not religious, but I'm not intolerant of others for having religious beliefs.

Johny's statement is testament to HIS ignorance, baremission, ignorance which he is entitled to given we're living in a free Country.

Try not to let it wind you up x
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If you has read my question properly you would have realised that I am not discussing the issue of shaking hands, that is another topic, I am merely bringing to attention this user's offensive comments, which are unnecessary and racist.
But he was responding about hand shaking. Showing that he probably is intollerant.

If every person that made an unnecessary and rasist comment on this site, we'd not have very many members left.

I detest my nation being referred to as 'sweaties', I think it's an ignorant and innecessary term, but I haven't run to AB Suggs complaining about it.

Why don't you talk directly to Johny about this, rather than complain to Ed?
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I bet Johny5 would be happy to agree to the notion, 'Hitler-yeh he was a bit of a d**k.'

But his beliefs are just as bad!!!

It makes me so angry, I'm not at all religious but if this country allowed itself to be run by Johny5's then it would be the Holocaust all over again!
Opinions are like ar$eholes - everyone's got one
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From his posts, i get the impression that Johny5 lacks the intelligence and integrity to hold a civil conversation about the matter.

If Johny5 went out into the streets and started shouting his 'beliefs' he would be arrested. Why should it be any different on here?

It sure as hell isn't any less offensive to the people he is referring to.
Hardly revolting and disgusting behaviour, is it??

Methinks you're looking too much into it - remember, it's only words written on an internet website!!
For goodness sake you really are going over the top.

You'd think he'd wished death on anyone that wasn't English. I think he, along with many others support the notion that if you come to the UK to live then you should respect our culture.
Baremission - why do you single out one person??

There are so many on here who have offended others with comments they have made, but you single out johnny5?

Do you have something against him personally?

Why not have such a go at others who have made similar comments as J5??
I do have another asian on the job who does shake hands!
-- answer removed --
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I meant to single out docspock aswell....also should be banned!!!!!!
It's against Site Rules as well....!!!!!
I must admit to have seen far, far worse on this site than Johny5's remarks on a daily basis (usually in the News Section)/
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If you don't like my thread then why are you wasting your time on it?!

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