Is this site generally governed by the actual rules set out or are they set by the editors? I started a thread about a sex toy and I was actually enjoying the responses yet it seams it has disappeared. I can only think the editor of this site removed it and would like to ask it again. But I want to know what is and what isn't permitted. If it is based on the editors opinion then could someone tell me what to avoid? I am not angry because I am a moderator of a forum and I do use my own opinions and disregard the site rules. Anyway thanks for all the humorous replies on my first post hehe :)
Th thread seemed to survive for a couple of days and had >200 responses so I don't think it was your initial posting per se that was the problem. But I think some of the responses were a bit near the nuckle and there were accusations about paedophilia etc, so i guess the ed got quite a few complaints and decided to pull the whole thread.
It's a shame because it was quite entertaining (although I got bored after a couple of hours) and also because my Answers Removed total seems to have increased by 4 as a result.