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Books by Mitch Albom

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chizzy22 | 10:19 Thu 09th Aug 2012 | Books & Authors
7 Answers
This author has been recommended to me. Would someone who has read his books please advise on which one I should read first? Thank you


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I've not heard of him chizzy but here's a list of his work in order of publication
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Thank you shaneystar2
I have read authors work in order of publication before, and sometimes I don't recommend that my friends read books in this order - for example the wonderful books by David Nicholls.
Hopefully someone else will be able to recommend which one they think I should read first please?
I've read Tuesdays with Morrie - great book. (It was made into a film with, I think, Judd Hirsch from the Taxi tv series.) Very easy to read. I would recommend it.
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Great! I will start with Tuesdays With Morrie then.
Thank you very much quizzywig
I would avoid "5 People..." as it's fairly terrible. Unless you like jumbled, saccharine and oddly insensitive treatment of death :)
I agree. I tried that one but it was nowhere near as good as Morrie.
I disagree about ' the Five People You Will Meet in Heaven'...I just read it a few weeks ago-took all of a day. I enjoyed it and thought his view of heaven intriguing. The premise being that all the people whose paths cross yours in life will have some effect on the path you take.-and vice versa. You meet some of those people in heaven and they guide you to what 'your' heaven is. Maybe a bit saccharine...but enjoyable,nevertheless.

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Books by Mitch Albom

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