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50 Shades Of Grey

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LadyOfQuestions | 21:33 Sat 19th Oct 2013 | Books & Authors
30 Answers
whats the first word that pops into mind when you heat that title? my friend brought that book into school for yr 8. SOOO funny! infact. she could of brought in yr 7! it was so funny. she was reading out all the rude paragraphs to us!


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A wet November Sunday in Belfast. I believe there may be more than 50 shades of grey on view then.
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??? what you talkin bout?
That's what I first thought of on hearing '50 shades of grey'.
Utter garbage. Oops that's two words
Payday Loans
Pity she didn't teach some English instead.
that is an AB euphemism for a four-letter word starting with w and ending in k.
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I only need one word. sick. I cant believe someone would write such a sick book. it is literally just porn in the context of a book!
She brought it into school to read to year 8?
She should have brought 'The story of O'. The adventures of Sir Stephen make for far better reading.
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yea. she is one of those girls though. that's partly why we are friends.
we have both been through the same stuff with boys, family and we are both crazy except I don't go round reading porn. ha ha
You're both teachers, then?
Is she in year 8 or does she teach year 8?
shrr' - precocious ? or wise beyond her years ?

the first word in my mind would be .... convoluted

or perhaps even .......misleading
Yeah, I've got that paint chart somewhere, got it from B & Q.
Night all. I have some porn to go and write......
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both 16 now
Right then, I'll read it tomorrow, DT !.

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50 Shades Of Grey

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