Quizzes & Puzzles30 mins ago
What's Your Favourite Book?
63 Answers
It's World Book Day today. We're asking members to share Amazon links to their favourite books, giving a brief explanation of why they like the book.
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Get involved! What's your favourite book?
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Earthly Powers by Anthony Burgess.
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
I love many books but Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte tops my list. I remember sitting on my mum's lap watching a television adaptation when I was about four - and it frightened me so much it took me until I was 19 to pluck up the courage to read Jane Eyre. It was then I discovered the scary bit wasn't so scary after all. (We should never anticipate what's going on in a child's mind because we never know. The self-assured clever clogs of the adult world only think they do).
Jane Eyre is a book I can pick up and open on any page at any time - and just read - and, in my opinion, it contains the most passionately heartfelt speech in all of English literature. An absolute masterpiece that stands the test of time.
Jane Eyre is a book I can pick up and open on any page at any time - and just read - and, in my opinion, it contains the most passionately heartfelt speech in all of English literature. An absolute masterpiece that stands the test of time.
This is mine
https:/ /tinyur l.com/b dw8stce
it shows the greatest decade in history, how the will of one great leader dragged the UK from almost becoming a Soviet state, from the "sick man of Europe" to the fittest man in Europe. It show how the cold war was won by two great leaders and enabled by another. The fall of the Berlin wall, we have these three to thank for the many things we take for granted today.
it shows the greatest decade in history, how the will of one great leader dragged the UK from almost becoming a Soviet state, from the "sick man of Europe" to the fittest man in Europe. It show how the cold war was won by two great leaders and enabled by another. The fall of the Berlin wall, we have these three to thank for the many things we take for granted today.
Can I pick a series? If so it's Armistead Maupin's Tales of the City and if not pick any one of those books.
https:/ /www.ar mistead maupin. com/boo ks-1
no question it must be our queen Amazon.co.uk User Recommendation
I couldn't really choose my 'favourite' book, but this is definitely my favourite series of books.
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