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Go The Flip To Sleep

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Canary42 | 17:37 Thu 03rd Oct 2024 | Books & Authors
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WARNING: Not for those who find the F word highly offensive.



For flip, read a more earthy 4 letter word beginning with F.



I've just got the above titled book (by Adam Mansbach) out of the local library - it's a spoof children's book (there's a note on the library label "Do not shelve in children's") with little illustrated bedtime rhymes. Although slightly unsavoury, it's an amusing satire on the problem of getting children off to sleep, which will possibly resonate with anyone who has had that task. 

It relies a bit too much on the F-word, but nevertheless here's just one (moderated) example :-

Bleary and dazed I awaken/ To find your eyes shut so I keep/ My fingers crossed tight as I tiptoe away/ And pray that you're flipping asleep.

I think I'll buy it for my brother for Christmas, I had some experience baby-sitting for each of his three children.


P.S. I've just found it on Amazon. User Recommendationref=sr_1_13?crid=2MTWK07U6CAEN&dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.F6cX4LWIq9A21ajOF9CP0-ILEufJmpWY0aY1wHflUxnr9ERsnt10A-AV7w3yuKwQyGsYg9pjTusMb2LwQ_sC7MMekHLRSKVCV427TcJx3onDQKscL7L_Hrclsn5fhdPBSO4bIDx2ex9eqJKvSJAFdhyLwh1pLdJ-oHLUWJffVHJolKpXQ4ie-Y7yP975yqd2kn-P5epHzPY7JcH5ypaKvLe3eqWvv1Ouj5Y1DWviU-w.qEif1d9FyYmUl9FxHU_UGJIBI81zhND-sobm4OhD2mg&dib_tag=se&keywords=go+the+f+to+sleep+book&nsdOptOutParam=true&qid=1727972990&s=books&sprefix=go+the%2Cstripbooks%2C98&sr=1-13





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